Weightloss since Christmas?

Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
Just curious to see how everyone is getting on!

I was in maintenance and gained 7lbs!

Got back on the healthy wagon about five days ago and so far I'm down 3lbs :smile: How about you? Is it going well, or are you finding it difficult to re-adjust after xmas?


  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    I didn't gain any weight, fortunately. But I have been having a tough time getting back into the swing of things!!!
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    LOL, you-are-so-LUCKY! I always gain over the holidays...I go buck-wild on the Christmas fare hehe :laugh:
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    I gained 3lbs between Christmas and now, hopefully I am done gaining weight and will lose a good chunk in a week.

    When not pregnant I always gain ten pounds in the winter... Seems inevitable.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    I had just hit 154.5 (AM weigh in) before the holidays Dec 16th, and my highest (on my grandmother's scale) was 162 (PM weigh in) on Dec 26th. I'm slowly going back down, last weigh in was 157.8, and TOM is upon me tomorrow according to my calender.

    I'm definitely pudgier. Looking back at pictures my middle was very lean, and now I have a slight muffin top over exercise shorts whereas before I did not. I think it's fluid retention, I didn't eat that bad while away. I blame all the wine.
  • wildfirediva
    I have lost weight since Thanksgiving and I allowed previously restricted foods. Using my Body Media Fit Link I just resolved to keep my calories at or below my TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) which ranged from 2000-3400 calories relative to my activity.
    Cleaning things up and back at it...
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    Alcohol and salt.... Not anyone's friend.
  • amaybee13
    amaybee13 Posts: 28 Member
    I didn't gain anything, but did loose 2lbs since last weigh in.
  • kmakar
    kmakar Posts: 103
    I went up about 5 lbs over the holidays, and have dropped about half of that in the past week. I chose eat whatever I wanted for those 2-3 weeks, but am actually pretty happy to be back on the wagon. It all tasted quite yummy, but my goodness- the lethargy and puffiness from all those sweets and salty, rich food was really noticable.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Down nearly 4 pounds since the first week of December, which is really pitiful, but I'll take what I can get.
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    I ate around 4000 calories per day for a good chunk of two weeks...alcohol/chocolates/crisps/heavy dinners/more chocolate/cakes etc etc...I'm not surprised! BUT I enjoyed it, so I don't feel bad. It is just difficult to see that my tummy has expanded tremendously! I took a 'before' pic Jan 1st and hope to have a great 'after' pic in the not-too-distant future :tongue:
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    I went up about 5 lbs over the holidays, and have dropped about half of that in the past week. I chose eat whatever I wanted for those 2-3 weeks, but am actually pretty happy to be back on the wagon. It all tasted quite yummy, but my goodness- the lethargy and puffiness from all those sweets and salty, rich food was really noticable.

    Tell me about it! My family even told me that my face looked swollen! It wasn't a normal look for me...I've been in maintenance for so long now! This year I'm determined to get a 'fitness' body & don't want to settle for just being 'not fat' anymore :smile: If I can sculpt lots of lean muscle, I'll get away with occasions like Christmas & wont gain so much next time because of the metabolic boost of having the muscle!
  • jodes489
    jodes489 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I put on 8 pounds over Christmas, not suprising really given all the excesses but hey it's Christmas. I don't regret it either.
    But at 13 stone 6 it's really time to get back out there!
    Good luck everyone! Feel free to add me the newbie x
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I lost 4lbs between 12/17 and 12/31. I only know this because I started Turbo Fire on 12/17 so I had to get my starting weight and wanted to check my 2 week progress.
  • erinpooh
    Between Thanksgiving and now, I have lost 8 lbs. I exercised every chance I got and didn't lose much during December (2 lbs). In the past couple of weeks, the water retention from the holidays is being flushed and I have lost tons.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Down five since Thanksgiving and three since Christmas. Only 1.6 pounds to goal!
  • victoriavoodoo
    victoriavoodoo Posts: 343 Member
    I gained six pounds starting on thanksgiving(I skipped thanksgiving food and ate like 12 slices of pie that day, it was glorious) and as of yesterday have lost the six that I gained =].

    It sucks to be back where I started before thanksgiving but it's better than being up I guess.
  • orapronobis
    orapronobis Posts: 460 Member
    I've lost every week since starting this journey in August. From Monday of Thanksgiving week through today, a total of 8.6 pounds lost over the holidays. I indulged on all the occasions, but made up for the calories by cutting back on other days and with exercise. I just couldn't bear the thought of having to lose the "same" pounds a second time...MFP has been the perfect tool for me to stay on track.
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I did not gain any over the holidays, I have lost 7 since Thanksgiving, but I have definitely slacked WAY off on my workouts. I don't go to the gym, and have gotten most of my exercise from walking and from hiking in the national forest. Since it has been cold I have had a hard time making myself go out and be active. Still eating fantastically, just lost some of my workout mojo. But I am trying hard to get it back, I still have a ways to go!
  • rubyjune27
    rubyjune27 Posts: 87 Member
    Over Christmas New Year I gained 8.5 lbs but lost 5.5 of them in two days so I suspect it was fluid retention rather than genuine gain. I think the 3 lbs left is true gain and fits with what I ate. I haven't found it too difficult to get back in to the swing of things. As I had already reached my original target , I am enjoying being slim and determined not to let a few pounds become a stone or 3!
  • orangefour
    orangefour Posts: 55 Member
    I've lost 7 pounds since the day before Thanksgiving. BUT I gained three pounds over Thanksgiving weekend, lost those within a week (most likely from all the salt). I gained a pound while out of town, lost it the week I came home, then gained two pounds while out of town again. I have less than a pound to lose to get back to my lowest weight (from December 14). Overall I'd say I did well through the holidays, but I was eating a TON around Christmas. Surprised I didn't gain a lot more.
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