jensadzewicz Member


  • I was just recently going through the same thing... My eating was triggered. I had a great day with my family swimming and grocery shopping but we stopped and had pizza for lunch... Long story short, my trigger was pizza (heavy carbs, sugar and grease). Simply, for me anything with high carbs and high sugar content. After…
  • weight: 128 goal: 118 Height: 5'2" Thats my last ten pounds... by At least April 10th my 30th birrthday!!
  • I'm having the same problem, like I'm afraid to loose weight. Afraid to be noticed, I was always in the background and now people are noticing me and it freaks me out! When you've been a certain way your whole life its an extreme change, I've been this way for almost 30 yrs. Now I'm at my lowest weight in my adult life…
  • I'm 5'2" and my goal is 115 to 120 I'm quite busty even after loosing 26lbs I have 15 more to go to 115. Don't think I could go lower or my boobs would take over. Lol!:laugh:
  • I have pcos and sugar has always been a problem for me but in all the research I have done I have discovered that naturally occuring sugars are good for you. Stay away from processed sugars. That's about all I can say. Hope it helped. Jen
  • Right around my wedding I found out why I was steadily gaining weight with no change in my diet, I too was diagnosed with PCOS. It almost seemed like knowing that had it made it harder to loose weight, after the wedding when I found out what to do, I started on a diet of low sugar and low complex carbs, I found out it was…