

  • had a man break up with me one time. Said if I "lost weight and prettied up a little maybe we could've worked out."
  • I was hungry at first, but then I started eating less more often. Like I have breakfast, a snack about 9:30-10 ish, lunch at 12:15, snack at 3:30-4 ish and then dinner at like 6ish. Im usually hungry around dinner, but I don't usually feel hungry during the day. If I feel hungry, I eat. You may have to adjust WHAT you're…
  • KD Delta Gamma Chapter Alum!! welcome to MFP!
  • I do it the same way! I was at 190 when I started, but I just go through ten pounds at a time. When I look at the scale I just think ok Im in my 2nd ten....and I love watching the numbers go down each week on the "if everyday were like today you'd weigh ______ in five weeks." Congrats on your first ten...now hit that…
  • I have always struggled to stay on focus about diets. I get bored, I have an "off day" where a friend brings over dinner or my fiancee cooks and its not exactly like I can say "no thanks I need a salad." This has been the first time since high school (I graduated in 2003) that I have actually enjoyed losing weight. I love…