kelfox Member


  • You can sit on a stationary bike?! Do squats...or slow tread mill perhaps.
  • HAND WEIGHTS by far are the biggest impact on my workouts!! I use DVDs...addicted to Turbo Fire right now. You haven't experienced kickboxing until you use hand weights. Even add them to your treadmill workout and see the difference. I love my HRM, the calories burned really motivate me. The HRM can't tell…
  • I just tried a search for Medford, Oregon and found this topic. I didn't find many neighbors, but in the chance that someone finds me and wants a workout buddy, let me know! I'm 37 years old and would love to walk, bike, hike, cardio...whatever you can figure will burn some calories. I mainly workout crazy cardio DVDs, but…
  • I know many people using the HCG diet. Unfortunately all of them don't live a healthy lifestyle and they use it as a crash diet and they don't keep the weight off because they didn't change their lifestyle habits to something they can do and enjoy for months and years. I wish you better luck than what I've seen. :smile:
  • @Chanel...forgot to mention other answers. I combine TurboFire with Turbo Jam, with Hip Hop Abs and Rockin Body (love this one, too!). I usually workout daily, and don't follow a strict calendar because I follow through better if I do what I feel like I want for that day. I am grabbing a TFire daily right now, but when my…
  • @Chanel; calorie counting. I'm currently shopping around for a calorie counter I can wear. I do a lot of Turbo workouts including the HIIT ones, and I KNOW I burn more in 20 minutes doing HIIT than just a Fire or a Jam. So, when I finally get a calorie counter to work then I may have an accurate idea of how many calories…
  • Me, too. Plain old weight lifting is boring for me and I lose interest.
  • I purchased my coconut oil from my Dermatologist's office. and possibly some super healthy food stores may carry it, from what I'm told.
  • Hi there. I recently started using coconut oil in my grill pans. The research I've done on the oil is that it is a "healthy" oil like Olive oil, instead of veggie oil and such. I happened to have some coconut oil in the house because my Dermatologist thinks it helps with any skin scratches, etc. It didn't do much for that…
  • The hand weights from WalMart, Body Glove brand I think, really are much more comfortable than the ones Beachbody provides. The velcro on the Beachbody gloves didn't last long enough and the fit wasn't as comfortable. The Wmart gloves are under $15 and worth the comfort. I also wear them for Wii dance games to give me a…
  • Jenny, U should love it. U can bring up the intensity anytime, which is pretty cool. P90x...impressive!
  • Wow, such fast responses. Cool. @ck, I really like Hip Hop Abs, and for even more dancing u would like Rockin Body. It's with the same instructor Shaun T. He is funny and the moves can be challenging enough that u can find a way to push yourself even after doing that workout many times. I use weighted gloves and it makes a…
  • I am also sick, gnarly cold has me down. Somehow I did exercise today and yesterday, my worst sicky days. Everyone around me advised me NOT to exercise, but I didn't want to lose my endorphin "fix" and figured I wouldn't feel any WORSE after I exercise. I was right, I don't feel worse, I still feel terrible. I have no…
  • Welcome, I just hopped on here as well and also sit on my butt at work. I work an evening shift which makes it even harder to not snack at work. Good luck, I'm sure you will hit your goals. I just started up exercising again. I use the DVDs at home, different ones from that we like a lot. Good luck!
    in Hello Comment by kelfox January 2011