ellecat93 Member


  • Essentially carbs are sort of sugar, the best carbs to go for are the brown things such as bread pasta etc, because i think it contains less bad sugar? Someone can correct me if i'm wrong.. however is betit ter to be getting more carbohydrates rather than sugar.
  • hey stephanie, i'm sally :) i could totally do with that motivation too.. i've spent plenty of time losing weight and gaining it again. I'm about 12 stone now and want to get down to roughly 9.7/10 so it seems we wanna lose roughly the same amount :) I'm at university too which requires me working full time, sometimes…
  • Hey Mabsan :) I'm Sally, 19. I know exactly how you feel! I think I need a kick in the *kitten* to say stop eating and drinking rubbish all the time.. I'm a student and just moved out so it's hard to get that motivation when you're cooking for yourself etc.
  • hi :) i've literally just joined too.. i also hope this works! i've been recommended 1200 cals, and if i go under it i'm scared i'll end up eating too little, then topping it up with a lovely evening session of bread and butter which i'm all too familiar with but i wouldn't say it was bad. I'd go with how you were feeling…