

  • Hi guys! I'm starting insanity tomorrow, would love to share the experience with everyone! Have tried it once in the past put didn't complete the first month so this time I'm in it for the whole thing, would love to have some friends doing it too :)
  • I'm 22 and am just getting back into my fitness pal. Had previously just used to to track my calories so it will be nice to have some friends on here :)
  • Hi I'm need some motivation too :) also loving the exercise at the moment :) sen you a wee friend request :)
  • Hey, I have lost half a stone through the 5;2 diet, still need to lose another 8 pounds so I am fasting today and tomorrow :) I usually lose a pound per fast day so we still have time to be looking good for Christmas :)
  • Hi Renata :) I'm the same height as you and I'm looking to lose a bit more still ! Need motivation though cause I keep slipping only fast days! Think I'm going to check out the groups on 5:2 fasters but I'm here to cheer you on :)