vamolinari Member


  • I had hoped that was true. I remember reading soany times that weight fell off once the baby was weaned, however that is not the case for me. I se to be gaining rapidly and easily despite adding exercise to my daily regimen of work and raising 3 kids. Ugh!!
  • I have noticed a decrease in supply when my calories were too low or if I am starting my period. A couple of days after I get my period my supply will go back to where it was. Also increasing my calories and drinking mother's milk tea has helped keep my supply up.
  • Please add me too...I'm always looking for friends that are nursing. It helps to have the support.
  • Just an update...... I am doing better. I am maintaining at least 1800-2000 calories and so far have been losing .5-1 lb a week on average. I did start drinking the mother's milk tea and have noticed a better supply. I noticed a drop during my pumping sessions at work. AF also started and from my experiences before with…
  • Thanks for responding. I am eating between 1600-2100 calories. I try to get all 8 glasses in a day but sometimes I only get 6. I am not exercising other than playing with my kids or walking around at the hospital that I work at