

  • Thank you thank you thank you for sharing, I am 3 weeks and was feeling depressed yesterday because results are not going as fast as I would like. I did power through instead of giving up and was very happy with my scale this morning. Its not just about the weight loss though. I am playing volleyball and I stink at it but…
  • No, but only because he looks young enough to be my son's age- no cougar am I
  • Now that I read the reponse to the original post- I am on here exclusively to look for funny reply's
  • Way to go and thank you for posting your milestone success, its an inspiration, as well as a reminder that hard work and determination will equal success, to all who are trying to lose and become healthier. I began my journey again 3 weeks ago and I am loking forward to my first milestone which is to continue after 3…
  • I have not tried Fage, my fave is Chobani pear- its the only flavor I find I like. Its the first brand of Greek yogurt that I can stand eating. Was just reading about a yogurt from Finland that has 18g of protein and less calories began with an "S", will be interesting to see if thats the new yogurt craze soon.
  • Could you suggested a decent protein powder. I make my own smoothies in the morning but not sure what type to add, does it change the flavor of the smoothie when you do? Thanks for you help :)
  • Whenever I have oatmeal for breakfast I am hungry an hour later. For me I have found the following keeps me going form 6am to 1030- 11am ish; 1 large egg - made with 1 tsp smart balance 2 piece of wasa multi-grain light crackers sometime I add 1/2 slice of cheese fruit water - 1 cup of coffee with flavored cream ( my…