

  • Hello Sharon! Congrats to you on beating cancer's butt! Good luck on your new adventure! :wink:
    in Hello! Comment by mpanter July 2012
  • Feel free to add me!
  • I don't think I'd be able to go more than 3.2 at a 20% incline either! My treadmill only goes to a 10% incline. I usually do between 3.5 and 7 with varying inclines. Depends if it's a running or walking day. My run days I go back and forth between 6, 6.5, and 7 with no inclines. Walking days are between 3.5 and 5 w/…
  • Hello! I joined myfitnesspal about a year ago and used it for a while, but never got on the message boards. Then we moved and yadda, yadda but here I am now! My name is Megan and I have 3 kids and live in the Mojave Desert with my husband, Scott. We just bought a treadmill with our tax refund and I've been doing…
    in Hi! Comment by mpanter March 2009