ekafont Member


  • My name is Beth and I live in Columbia, SC. I'm originally from Michigan but escaped the snow. In November I did the 21 day fix with Shakeology and lost 10 pounds. I have lost another 5 pounds since then but want to do another 21 day fix to get serious about losing more weight. I am currently at 173 pounds and want to get…
  • Sounds like you are on the right path - setting "mini" goals to keep it achievable! Feel free to add me as a friend. I am originally from lower Michigan (Jackson), but I now live in the sunny south (South Carolina). Sometimes the hardest part of this whole journey is putting ourselves "first" - but everyone in our lives…
  • The actual 21 day fix (meal plans, workout DVDs, food containers, etc) is about $60 (check it out at www.beachbody.com). The meal replacement shakes (Shakeology) runs about $130 per month (there is a link to Shakeology on the beachbody site, or you can go directly to shakeology.com). Its a little pricey, but it is working…
  • I did the 21 day fix in November and had great results! (Lost 10 pounds) I took December off but tried to stick with the concept for the most part - I made it through Christmas without gaining any weight. I'm now ready to start my next round on Monday. Would love to join you in this journey! Beth in South Carolina
  • Good morning! Brrrrr it's still cold in the Sunny South! Katla – I try not to keep any chips, ice cream, cookies, etc in my house either. I can’t seem to stop with just one serving if it’s there staring me in the face Michele – I’m so sorry about your situation with your son! I just can’t imagine having your child so far…
  • Bumpity Bump
  • Feeling frustrated with myself :grumble: - I have been reading a very good book ("Eleni" by Nicholas Gage) and I was getting to the end of it and just couldn't stop reading until I finished .... at 1:00 a.m.!! Getting up for work at 6 was NOT fun!! :yawn: But it was such a good book (a biography about Greece during WW II…
  • Happy Monday! I had a good weekend - splurged a little on Saturday when I went to the BBQ Cookoff at the State Farmer's Market ... WOW what good BBQ! But I did stay away from the booths with the sweets for sale. Then Sunday my daughter and I went to the traveling Broadway production of Les Miserables. It was fantastic! But…
  • Good morning ladies! I am doing better drinking the water and logging my food ... next goal is to exercise more. Why does it seem so difficult to put a dvd in the player? Or turn on the Wii? Sometimes I think I should remove all the furniture out of the den so that I can't sit down because once I do, I don't do the things…
  • Sending prayers to all who need them ... and celebrating all the victories of those acheiving them! Had fun at Bristol, TN last weekend. Now if it would just warm up here in Sunny South Carolina. The 50's at the end of March is just TOO COLD! I left Michigan for a reason!! May have to move further south ... hmmm ..... Beth…
  • I will drink my water .... I will drink my water ..... I will drink my water ..... I have been doing much better about remembering to bring my water bottle, but then I just totally forget to drink. I don't mind drinking water, so its not that I'm not drinking because I don't like it .... I just get so busy at work I forget…
  • Good Morning! Judio: My DD and I went to Anthropology for the first time a couple weeks ago - We LOVED that store!! But I know what you mean about having to stick with the Clearance racks! Beth in SC
  • Good Morning! Trying to make it through another stressful day of getting ready for my weekend "vacation" to Bristol. I have a million things going thru my mind that have to be accomplished before leaving Friday morning ... 7th grade projects which must be completed and turned in on Friday, making sure the dog is up to date…
  • I was trying to figure out if I was an abstainer or moderator all afternoon .... until I read jmkmomm's post about the Cadbury Eggs. I definately need to be an abstainer ... if there are Cadbury Eggs within a mile of me I will eat them ALL! Going to Rebounding tonight - it's so nice to have found a high-impact aerobic…
  • Good Morning ladies! Just popping in to save my place for later :-) Hope everyone has a great Tuesday! Beth in SC
  • Good morning! Had a good weekend - kickboxing Saturday morning followed by the MDA Muscle Walk. I took my lab puppy (he's 9 months old and as big as a horse) so he really gave me a workout just trying to hold him back because he wanted to run the whole thing! More later - back to work Beth in SC
  • I was talking myself out of working out tonight, but after logging in my lunch from the Olive Garden I'm already at my 1200 for today....must earn more calories :grumble:
  • Good morning ladies! Received great news this morning - our nephew Travis has been selected for promotion (Air Force) - he will pin on full bird Colonel next year - We are so proud of him!! I have been doing so much better this month with drinking the water and logging my food. I think actually putting my March goals in…
  • Good morning ladies! Enjoying reading everyones posts - it really is motivating to know that I am not in the weight struggle alone! Yesterday to celebrate my 51st birthday I .... worked out. 40 minutes of intense cardio (rebounding) and then 20 minutes of shoulder work (planks), abs, lunges, and then 5 blissful minutes of…
  • Goals for March: 1. Drink more water 2. Do better logging my meals 3. Exercise 5 to 6 days a week (currently at 3 days a week) 4. Check and respond to posts daily - it is so much easier to stick to a plan if you feel like you are not alone
  • Good morning everyone! Day 2 of remembering to bring my water bottle to work - celebrating the small successes whenever I can! Yesterday I drank half the amount of water I'm supposed to be getting in... but that is a HUGE improvement over the NO water that I usually have. Its been kind of crazy at work so I haven't had a…
  • I actually remembered to bring my water bottle to work with me ... YAY!! I am really, really, really going to try to drink more water. Had a great workout last night with my workout group. They are all 20 years younger and in MUCH better shape, but they really encourage me to keep going - especially when I'm ready to give…
  • I see a lot of you talking about the FitBit .... what exactly is that? And are there any other monitors that you would recommend - something that tracks calories burned, heart rate, etc. that can be worn on the wrist (I've seen some with a chest strap - don't want to go there). I'd like to keep it at $100 or less. Thanks!
  • Thank you everyone for the warm welcome! Seeing all the discussion about Fat Tuesday and Lent has made me realize that if I could just follow the Lenten Fast I could probably lose a couple pounds!! (I'm Greek Orthodox and we take Lent seriously - no meat, oil (nope ... nothing can be fried), dairy, alcohol, etc - basically…
  • Do you have room for another 50+ woman on here? I REALLY need some motivation on my eating habits .... Ugh! My workouts consist of some serious cardio and weights, kickboxing, and circuit at least 3 days a week. I've been working out regularly for about 2 years and have gone from a size 14 down to a size 10 ... but haven't…
  • I don't know the answer you're looking for, but I'm going to check into that Arctic-Zero ... is it sold at grocery stores, or is it in health-food stores? Does it taste as good as it sounds?
  • I found it hard to understand how eating more could be OK after all these years of thinking that you had to starve yourself on a diet ... but I have found it so much easier to stick with this program because I can eat more if I burn calories therefore giving me incentive to work out more - I've been losing slowly, only 6.5…
  • I went to my 30th HS Class Reunion this past summer - and had a great time!! I live over 800 miles away from my home so I had not seen most of the people there since our 10th reunion. It was amazing how different the 30th was than the 10th. At the 10th you still had the same little groups huddled together as in High…