BeLightYear Member


  • Happy Sunday class ~ I have all the cooking done for the week and am ready for hubby to get home from mowing his Dad's lawn so we can go outside into the sunshine and stair at the muddy patch that is going to be our pond soon :) Fire 30 is on for tomorrow, NO excuses!!
  • 12 week challenge starting Monday. Where are you Lexi? We found Coach :wink:
  • That is a great lesson in caring Coach. It is easy to not realize how good we have it sometimes. House cleaning and parents visiting today. They store stuff in my downstairs freezer for the Winter while they go to Florida. Right now they are waiting to leave to see if they can get through SC. Have a great Saturday team.…
  • No TF this morning, I woke up to a dead refrigerator/freezer :( Not a good way to start the day, scrambling to find a cooler and enough ice to put the perishables in. ARGH! I have my modified schedule all set up, just need to print it and stick it to the wall. Monday is day 1! I did manage to lose another 1.4 pounds this…
  • El Paso and Ortego both sell lower sodium taco seasoning packets. I actually prefer the less salty flavor now :)
  • I could not agree more!
  • I have the FitBit Charge HR. I like it, but it is not very accurate for high impact workouts. My Bodymedia (oh how I miss that) always showed I would burn 9-11 calories per minute during Turbo Fire, Fitbit shows 5-6. It actually tells me I burn more calories walking than kickboxing! :s Aside from that, it's a fun tool/toy…
  • I am glad you are alright!! Your area really got hit, I saw it on the news and thought of you! I would have a heart attack if I saw a rattlesnake, no need for it to bite me. I jump when I see a stupid harmless grass snake :blush:, I was picking tomatoes the other day, dropped one on the ground, saw the tail of a snake and…
  • Oh I am so ashamed of myself, I want to workout, I think about it the night before and I even pep talk myself when I wake up in the middle of the night.......but, no workout this morning. Well, okay, I did walk for an hour, so that is something. I am going to make myself a new schedule to hang up on the wall, maybe the…
  • Nice work Lexi! Great to see you again Coach! Now, me, um, well, I kinda slept in again :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: My only excuse is that my husband took the morning off to meet with the pond guy so there was no pressure to get up at 5....sorry class, I can do this, I can do this. And you just know I was tired…
  • Fire 55 is ON for tomorrow, no excuses, no whining, no climbing back under the covers, I WILL get up and MOVE!!
  • .8 ounce peanuts, pork rinds, eggs, meat, meat, meat, broccoli......
  • Every bit helps!! I wish I could walk to work, but walking 26 miles each way might make my daily commute a bit long lol
  • Hi! I have 10ish to go too, sending friend request, we can do this ! :mrgreen:
  • Okay class, I need you back here, I am slipping! Not gaining or anything, but getting lax and not working out much ~ doesn't help that it was only 48 here this morning and DARK until 7ish :(
  • It is free and each workout is only 10 minutes by themselves or 30 minutes per day, enjoy!
  • Fire 60 this morning, knew I was going to be stuck at my desk all day and wanted the big burn before work lol Have a great day!
  • Fire 55EZ this morning, plus a 30 minute walk. Have a great day!
  • You will totally need heavier weights. I ended up buying 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20 & 25! Still could have gone heavier at the end, but the weights are priced per pound, I swear it, and I didn't want to spend $60 for the 30's! Turbo Kick Round 24 today, it was okay, kind of slow though. So far, not on my favorites list. Have a…
  • Coach, congratulations on the Good News, you've earned it! Sorry you Summer is over, but you still have the weekends, right? I am so very sorry to hear about that student. It is hard when someone so young is lost, I hope your son finds a way to heal. Unfortunately, only time can really heal :'( It will be hard for them to…
  • Fire 45EZ this morning ~ happy Thursday!
  • You ladies are rocking it! Nice work!!! Fire 55 this morning, Coach, I missed you in class! I give up on PiYo, I hate it, it is boring and not for me. At least I tried it :disappointed: Besides with all the Turbo Kick workouts I found, I am excited to try them. And hubby admitted he would like to hear some different songs…
  • Fire 60 on Saturday, rest day today, I did get in a walk though. It has been cooler here this year also. We only hit 90 a few times :( I LOVE 90's!
  • Yowch Lexi, can you lift your arms today? Turbo Kick Round 31, PiYo Define Upper and a 30 minute walk this morning. Turbo Kick is fun and a new routine rocks! TGIF
  • Free and fun:
  • Fire 55 EZ, PiYo Define Lower and 30 minutes of walking before leaving for work at 7 this morning! I think I will set up a TurboKick on Youtube to go with my PiYo Upper tomorrow. My husband would probably appreciate some new songs for his breakfast entertainment lol
  • Nice work Diane and Coach! I LOVE the heat and really don't mind the 90's. I so live in the wrong state lol PiYo Sweat this morning. Not a big calorie burner, but I did it! Thinking Fire 55EZ (skipping the cool down) and PiYo Lower (skipping the warmup) tomorrow, that should get my calorie burn up and fit into the hour I…
  • PiYo Upper, Turbo Fire 45 and a 30 minute walk completed for today. Time to start checking back in, great to see you all here! Nice walk, be careful in that heat Coach! Thank you, I don't know if I have EVER had an actual picture of me on MFP before lol PiYo is slow (at least the 2 I have tried) but I have to admit, I am…
  • Nice work ladies! I just found a bunch of TurboKick workouts on YouTube!! How exciting is that? NEW workouts ~ well, new to me anyways. But first, my friend sent me her PiYo to try. I really, really don't want to, but hate to hurt her feelings, sooooooooo, I will give it a try next week. Happy weekend!