

  • I lost 19 lbs following the Bod-e program. I did notice I have a hard time with two low carb days in a row. I do find my energy really lacks on the second low carb day. I love fruit and have a really hard time only eating it at breakfast! For me, every other day works better. good luck!
  • Hi I'll be 42 in just a few days, work full time and have 5 year old twins. I find it very challenging to find time to work out! Feel free to add me, I need all the motivation I can get.
  • I am trying 40/40/20. so far I havent had any problems, but I havent lost any weight this week...
  • YES! I love to have my drink after a stressful day at work and with the kids. I have to get very creative with my exercise! I park further away, got to the restroom on the second floor and run the stairs at work and home as much as I can. Good luck to you!
  • Hi All! My name is Becky and last year I followed a similar plan called Vemma Bode. Chris Powell is the spokesperson for the Bode program. I lost 19 lbs in about 6 months on that plan. It is also a carb cycling plan with two low carb days, one high carb day, two low, one high then a "guilt free" day. My husband and I went…
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