Siobhan108 Member


  • 2 chicken breasts cut into bit size pieces Box of Uncle Ben's wild rice Chicken broth, low sodium or water according to box Put everything together in a pot and cook 25 min according to box I like to put tomatoes on top in a bowl, with a little low fat Italian dressing, but it's good without and reheats well
  • My mom told me when I got my first paycheck at 16, "always pay your bills, but make sure you pay yourself 10% first, then put it in bank for when you are old and gray " I did and now at 67 I have money to retire.
  • As the mother of a 42 yr old daughter that has suffered for over 25 yrs with both an eating disorder and being a vegan I probably will understand some of your issues, however, my question to you is : Are you in treatment now ? What do you plan to accomplish here ? .... and as we both know the eating problem is only…
  • I worked ( many years ago ) 12 hr mid-night shifts and always made my lunches. I would cook on the week-end and pack homemade veggie or cabbage soup and a sandwich of left over meat from some dinner, usually chicken with no mayo, but hummus works well. I also brought lots of carrots or peppers with me. A good thing to use…
  • If you are making it yourself you can go to recipes and click add recipe and then add the amount of servings and it will calculate it for you.
  • You're young so go to New York, Seattle or Toronto where there are young people and places to see, just watch the weather.
  • Dealing with eating disorders is a very difficult road to travel. I have a 42 year old daughter that has been ill on and off since she was first diagnosed at 17. It has taken a great deal of counseling for her and support groups for me to get to the point we are now at. She has been in-house treated 4 times during that…
  • I eat bread almost daily. I am now using Nature's own 9 grain, it's 40 calories a slice. I love P & J sandwich on mornings when I am in a hurry.
  • I am also 5'8:" but old enough to be you grandmother ( almost, my oldest is 26) and at your age I weighted 140 and I was happy. Today I would be happy to be healthy. My original goal was 170 (as was my doctors suggestion ) but I am thinking 160 would be ideal for my age and body. More important then the pounds I weigh is…
  • i live in a community of active adults and we often have activities that include food, BBQ's , pot lucks, diner dances, wine tasting get the picture. There are also about half the community that are "snow birds " being that I live in Arizona. When they come up to me and sat something like gosh you look great ( I…
  • Welcome to MFP ! I started last January and have not missed a day of logging in. I only have one request before I add you... I think it is more important then any other thing I do to loose weight and that is being here everyday. You might slip and over eat one day, but with the help of your friends on MFP you will get…
  • I have done several things but the first was the most important....I told myself I" I CAN DO THIS ! Then I gave up drinking anything but water. I do not put anything in it either, just good old water. I pretty much eat anything I want, just not all in the same day. If I want a steak and baked potato for dinner I eat it,…
  • I started at 270 and a size 22 and I never thought I would get out of plus sizes, but it does happen, I am now between a 12-14. If the pictures you have posted on your home page are really you then you must be caring most of you weight in your bottom and legs. I also go to the pool to work out, but I do not swim much. I…
  • Loosing weight while planning a wedding is going to be tough, but is very possible. Look at how much you have lost since starting MFP, what are you averaging ? You will always loose faster at first so remember that. I would think if you are loosing 3 to 5 lbs a month now you might tell the salon that information and let…
  • I too have a bad back and can not do anything that I have to get on it. I use the pool. Does your gym have one ? I use a water noodle and rest my arms ( back to noodle ) over it. I them put my feet together and rise my knees to my chest. First to the center then to each side, twisting my lower body . It might work for you.…
  • Here !
  • I agree almost anything would burn 200 calories. Find something you enjoy, otherwise you will not do it. I jog in the pool everyday for 60 min, but I started by walking for 20 a year ago. I also ride my bike. I don't really like doing weights so I do weights in the pool when I walk. Another good thing is dancing, you can…
  • I too have DDD and I feel your pain. I sleep in an adjustable bed or a recliner or I can't move the next day. I am 67 and I was a 100 lbs over weight. I started walking in the pool for 20 min every other day one year ago today and I now do 60 min of water jogging almost everyday and have just started ridding my bike. As…
  • Let me start by saying that old saying of : You didn't gain it overnight, you wont loose it overnight " . Now lets talk about the important things as you begin your life change. Take a picture of yourself ( I didn't and wish I had ) . Take all your measurements, including thighs, calves, upper arm, neck, and the big 3,…
    in help Comment by Siobhan108 October 2013
  • Great job ! Sometimes we ( woman loosing ) don't really see the changes our bodies make but: PICTURES SAY 1000 WORDS. Nice job !
  • I have use the pool more for exercise in the past year then anything. I jog in the water as fast as I can in about 4' of water. I use water weights to increase my burn as well. I started at 20 min 5x a week and now do about 45 min. 6-7x a week. I then try to do the breast stroke for 20 min. I try to use a zig zag method…
  • Try buying and selling at resale shops.
  • Mine is open to friends. I eat normal meals that others might not agree with, but I feel that I eat things that I like and will always have in my diet. My doctor is very pleased and just recently took me off all my meds except those for my thyroid which I will always have to take. I try to keep sodium low and protein and…
  • I had 5 children, the lowest weight was my 4th girl who was induced at 33 weeks and weighted 8 lbs 10 oz. The other 4 were all over 10 lbs, the largest 11lbs 14 oz and I was not and am not diabetic . I was very sick with each one and lost weight but that is not common. Everyone is different but I would say 25-30 lbs would…
  • I have been here since Jan and love it. I am trying to loose 100 lbs + and I am on my way. I started in Oct of last year but didn't find MFP until Jan. Please feel free to add me, ( that goes to everyone ) but understand that if you do not log in for 3 days ( unless you post you are going away or are ill), I will boot you…
  • I work at an upscale fast food place ( Culver's ) and we have several things on the menu that I eat . Most of our soups are low in calories and not bad on sodium. I also eat one of our several salads with grilled chicken and low fat dressings. Our BBQ pork sandwich is also a good choice. If you ask for their nutritional…
  • Congratulations on joining. I am 66 and joined Jan 3 but I was on weight watchers starting in October of last year. 99% of the people here are going to be very helpful, so if you want to loose you can. Being disabled is not the biggest issue, logging EVERYTHING you eat is a habit you must get use to. I went for 4 weeks,…
  • I used to drink Pepsi all the time, so back in Oct I just quit. Now I drink almost only water, sometimes ice tea. I put 5 bottles in the fridge every night. When I get up in the morning it's the first thing I go for. I try to drink 2 by lunch , 2 by dinner and one after dinner. I space them about 1 bottle every 2 hrs. it…
  • It just goes to show you that WE old ladies can use are years of knowledge and friendship to accomplish ANYTHING we put are minds to. Nice story Deb !