

  • I'm so impressed that you're here! You've taken the first step in a great direction, now you just have to keep moving! You can start out simple and make a pretty good amount of progress. The food tracker tool on here is awesome. I started out just using that and making sure I'm always moving while I watch tv - folding…
  • I'm a huge fan of using quotes as inspiration. I try to keep one in my head or on a post-it note somewhere any time I need a little extra "help." Here are a few that might help you: "Tough times never last, but tough people do." - Robert Schuller "It ain't how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep…
  • Just playing around with some of my favorites, but if you go to Wendy's, you can get the Ultimate Chicken Grill (which comes with a light honey mustard sauce that you can leave off if you want, but I calculated the nutritional info. leaving it on) with a side salad (fat free dressing) for 430 calories, 8 grams of fat an…
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one who had a post-holiday grand realization! I've never been over 200 (don't get me wrong...I did hit 198 6 or 8 years ago), but hopped on my Wii for the first time in forever, found out I now qualify as "obese" and topped out at 210. I'm already 6 pounds down since I started on this site two…
  • Hi Carey! I'm fairly new too. Same boat as you...always knew what I should and shouldn't be eating, but had a hard time tracking calories. I've only been on here for two weeks and I'm already down 6 pounds. Good luck!