mandymak Member


  • Hi... hang in there... it's just a number... I've found that the weight is not so much about what's going on the outside, but more about how I'm feeling on the inside. Don't give up! You're worth it!
  • Hi... I've found this site to be extremely helpful. I had been using another site and found this one on the apps portion of my smartphone. I am so happy I did. This site helped me to calculate "workable" goals that produced results. It's also great because I can "take it with me" via my phone and also connect with a great…
  • Hi... I just joined the group and I am 5'2" I agree... it is harder... I have 30 lbs to lose and it is a constant battle. One of the things that adds to the denial is that people keep telling me how good I look. Wishing you the best... mak