

  • Yes, because the things there have already had all the resources used to produce them. The world doesn't need to produce another toaster or shirt, just because I need one. I like the 'recycling' aspect of it as much as the saving money aspect!
  • Yes, yes, yes!!! Artificial sweeteners are bad for children and the rest of us too. The more I learn, the more I'm disgusted with our food supply and try to do everything myself from scratch. Makes sense - a manufacturer wants to supply a product at the lowest cost to them, that will last the longest on the shelf. That…
    in Bread? Comment by delanab4 October 2014
  • I'm 5'6 and 45 years old.
  • Thank you all. I will read the links and check out the TDEE method as well. I'm 5'6", I started at 213 lbs, now 204, and I always weighed around 145 pre-kids (13+ years ago). From others' advice, I feel I may be able to get back to 155, but not sure about below. Again - thank you all, your advice is most appreciated.
  • Thanks everyone. I'm definitely not giving up, and still motivated to lose it. I guess I just expected bigger results the first few weeks, but I definitely feel 100% better, and know I'm doing the right thing. I've been eating a lot of tomatoes and salting them, so I think maybe salt is making me hold water. Not sure, but…