

  • Insanity is ridiculously intense and NOT for beginners. I did it for 22 days and I thought both of my knees were going to snap off. It works, but I don't suggest it if you're a beginner. Insanity the Asylum is like insanity on CRACK. If you want to do insanity, I say go for it! But I wouldn't do the recommended 6 workouts…
  • I have the 10 minute trainer videos. What they don't tell you before you buy it is that all of the workouts say you need to do FOUR videos a day. So it's really a 40 minute work out. I don't think they're all that great because I don't like doing the same thing all the time. After about a week I got really bored with it.…
  • Honestly, don't beat yourself up about it. In the grand scheme of everything, it's really no big deal. Sometimes when you need to stress eat you just gotta do it! Don't make yourself feel bad about it, but just try to avoid it next time. Sometimes if I'm craving chocolate and I don't eat chocolate...I'll eat a bunch of…
  • No, they're actually around 40. Depends on the kind of peanut butter you use. Definitely not 100 though :)
  • Bahhahahaha this made me smile :)