ehargettfs21 Member


  • I like this! Tell us yours too!! :happy: For me... Your goal weight: 130 Why you want to get to your goal: To be proud of the way I look! Your favorite food: OREOs and Klondike bars...I have a BAD sweet tooth! How you treat yourself (Non food related): Depends on the day...on days I have my daughter I don't go overboard on…
  • My daughter is the same way! She wants to push the stroller which makes walking even slower! lol
  • Hi Liz! Yes, I'm a single mom and I know what you mean! Sometimes I can get my 3 year old to do exercise videos with me which is fun and cute to watch, but usually any other exercise is a struggle to fit in to my daily routine! I'll send you a friend request! :smile:
  • I'm similar! :smile: 5'6" SW 158 CW 158 (just started) GW 130