

  • I do Billy, P90X and Insanity. I like to switch them up so that I don't get bored.
  • Can you give me the author or ISBN number that is located on the back. I have found there are a lot of books with GI diet.... I hear you about the slow weight loss. The guys I work with always comment about my food selection... I know they think its a bad diet since they see no weight loss! They gave me alot of grief about…
  • Does anyone know of any websites with good diet regiments in regards to low GI? I find it better when I can just follow a predetermined diet plan with meals listed.
  • Newbie myself and just recently diagnosed with PCOS too! Newly married and we hope to soon look into having children but working out my infertility issues first. I weigh 180 and would like to drop weight but not loose muscle in the process. I have a very physical job and staying in shape is mandatory. I have been on many…