

  • I have an obsession with David's Tea, and lately it's Forever Nuts, Banana Nut Bread, Cookie Dough or Sleigh Ride. Also, in the summer, Goji Pop over ice... MMM!!!! And the best part is that each tea doesn't really need milk or sugar (that black one's like Sleigh Ride I might add a dash of milk) and with nothing they are 5…
  • Age: 26 Height: 5'3" SW: 200 CW: 173ish GW: 130 I've been on here for a while and my weight loss has just STALLED. Driving me insane.
  • I did one class of Body Attack with my friend, because I don't have a membership to her gym so I could only go once for free. It was intense! I was wearing awful shoes though and I had to keep stopping because my feet were in so much pain (I've gotten new shoes but it doesn't seem to help much) but I burned 561 calories in…
  • Guelph, Ontario here! Feel free to add :)
  • I tend to weigh myself a lot, especially if I can see my scale. BUT I only record it once a week, on whatever day I've decided is my weigh-in day (Monday mornings, at the moment). But I would weigh myself in the morning one day and later in the day, just to see differences. I've recently bought a new stand thingy for my…
  • More candy, cookies, cake and ice cream for me!
  • Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
  • I tend to work the food I love (like Wendy's or chocolate) into my regular diet whenever I want it (work out like crazy to afford the cheeseburger and fries!) because I know personally, if I didn't allow myself to eat what I wanted, and made it more like a diet than a lifestyle change, I'd go crazy. But saying that, I get…
  • You're not alone! I do it almost every time. And I'ved gained afterwards before and been like wtf!
  • SW - Start weight CW - Current Weight GW - Goal weight. Most people use them in their status's to see how close they are to their goal :)
  • Here's a question for you: Do you wear shoes while you do the work out? I had some crazy foot pain when I was doing it, because I have really flat feet. I spoke to a friend, who's a physiotherapist, and she told me to wear shoes while I do it (in the house?! A weird concept for me haha) and the pain went right away. If you…
  • I've heard this stuff before, it's such good advice! Also, munching during Lost! haha sorry, such a random reference, but best show EVER
  • Mine said 123 but my goal is 140 :( And considering how slowwwlllyyyy my weight loss has been, I feel like 123 will never happen!
  • I'm at 29lbs and it's been just over 9 months.
  • 1. If you don't have any time to do anything else, it's great because it does include cardio. But I'd try to throw in some extra cardio for the extra calorie burn, since it's only 2 minutes at a time. But it is a great every day video, if you're able to! 2. I stopped going to the gym while I was doing this video, due to…
  • My "cheat" days are once a month, I don't work out, and I eat whatever I want (and drink it, too!). If it were me, I wouldn't consider that a cheat day if I were still around my calorie goal after a work out! I still eat dirty awful food on non-cheat days (McDonalds today) but I work out so that I'm not over my calories! I…
  • Man, I did so MANY of these things! Deoderant between the thighs, the pants dance (Kicking my feet around ridiculously to get my calves to fit into skinny jeans!), crossing my arms all the time to hide my belly! Here's one I'm not proud of.. I used to have to grab my leg and PUT it across the other in order to cross my…
  • To keep me interested, and make it more "fun" for me (my ideas of fun are odd haha) I mostly do two things: 1) I have rewards. When I reach a certain point, like needing new jeans, or hitting a mini-goal in my weight, I plan out a reward. That way, I'm more motivated to actually get it done! For example, I bought myself a…
  • Haha. Bazinga! Yeah it was a little much even for a HRM, since everyone here seems to find theirs for like 60 on Amazon but everywhere I looked online was sold out!
  • On my bucket list was a new, super short and daring haircut! I'm not even halfway to my goal yet, but I just feel so good, I did it anyways! Before, on my birthday in February Now (Actually, this was on Saturday!) I also want some new tattoos once I lose more weight! But the hair was a big decision!
  • I went to WalMart looking for one and couldn't find anything I could trust to accurately count calories burned for me, since they were all under $50 (CAD) and had no chest strap. I saved up a little extra (worked extra hours at work) and bought a Suunto M2 from SportChek for $130. A bit more than I wanted to spend but…
  • 09/01 - 175.2 09/08 - 172.4 09/15 - 171.8 09/22 - 171.6 09/29 - Only lost 0.2 lbs this week, which doesn't really make a whole lot of sense. I've got 1 week to lose 1.4lbs, and tomorrow my friend is visiting from the Northwest Territories and it's going to be my cheat day! oh no :(
  • That's too funny. I am 5' 3.5", I started at 200lbs and my goal is 140. WEIRD! I've already gotten down to about 172 ish, but I friended you anyways! :)
  • It took me two weeks to name my kitten! I wanted to call her Persephone but she's the goddess of the Underworld and at the time, she was a sweet kitty.. so we called her Asta, which is a word from Lord of the Rings meaning Star. Asta Proudfoot because she's got little white booty feet, and we're both LOTR nerddsss haha.…
  • I'm going to guess you live in the GTA in Ontario and were listening to The Edge?? Because I heard the same thing on the Dean Blundell show... lol
  • 09/01 - 175.2 09/08 - 172.4 09/15 - 171.8 09/22 - 09/29 - Not much loss, but I'm all bloaty mcperiod today, so I'm surprised there was a loss at all! haha
  • I love it! I'm addicted to almost all things TLC (I'm watching Jon and Kate Plus 8 as I type) and I find it nice to see women who aren't perfect doing what they want on TV. It seems like it is a show that says it's okay to be bigger. Because big doesn't always mean really unhealthy. That's just my opinion and I'm probably…
  • They were over-estimating by quite a bit. And even when I wear my HRM, the machines have a wireless HRM thingy in them, so they can read my HRM's heart rate, but they still over-estimate my calories by a lot, because the machine only asks for my weight, not my height or sex. I also exercise because I love eating (mmmm),…
  • I bought a Suunto M2 with chest strap a couple weeks ago and it works great. It's really a lot more accurate for my burns than the machines at the gym, and for workout-videos and the like. I got it from SportChek for like $130 Canadian. I know everyone says they like the Polar, and I considered that one.. but I liked the…
  • 09/01 - 175.2 09/08 - 172.4 09/15 - 09/22 - 09/29 - So far, so good!