beachbums6 Member


  • I am afraid of failing too. I have never been one to track calories until now. It's not so bad. It helps keep me accountable of what I am eating. I have gone over my calories and I feel really bad, but the next day I start new and I know to what the items I eat. I love this site because I can look up foods for calorie…
  • Hi Tina, I know how you feel about sticking to diets. I have always had that problem. I would do good for a while and then something happened. Since I have joined MFP, I am doing better. I log my food and I look up foods to see how many calories something has. I will support you the best I can. Please feel free to add me.
  • Thanks everyone for the great ideas. i will be using these in my workouts this week.
  • I have the same problem. I lost about 20 lbs and gained some back. I've been trying to workout more and track my calories. I am trying to cut out the junk food and the sodas. Sometimes it is hard when everyone else brings in the stuff. I try to put it away so that I don't see it. I don't eat fast food as much anymore and…
  • I did the no carb diet for a while and it does work. I missed the carbs. I now just log everything I eat and measure This helps me not over do it. Maybe have most of your carbs for breakfast and lunch and at dinner meat and vegetables.
  • Hi. I'm a stay at home mom of a 3 year daughter. I also have to grown children. I enjoy staying home with her. I can always use extra support and I'll be glad to give support too. Please feel free to add me.
  • Congrats on being cancer free Jennifer! Please feel free to add me I am here to support you as much as I can
  • Awesome that you are taking control of your life. Please feel free to add me.
  • Hi Kelly, I have had that problem with the scale. I was told not to just focus on the scale to see how my clothes feel. Check your inches. This helps me. Good luck. Becky
  • I used P90X after I had my daughter and lost a lot of weight from using it.
  • I was confused by this too. I wish the extra calories was a separate line item and not added to my daily calories.
  • I just started using MFP this month. I have been exercising but not seeing the results that I really want. I realized that I need to change my eating habits. Now that the holidays are over, it's time for me to get started. I need support. At home it's more like, all in moderation and so much junk is brought in. I have been…