hyby Member


  • My unpopular opinion: breakfast is not essential. Personally, I don't eat breakfast at all. I think it's ridiculous to claim that your body will go into "starvation mode" if you eat at noon instead of eight in the morning. I tend to eat my biggest meal in the evening, and in the mornings I'm not hungry. Given that people…
  • Hey, Mia! I'm working on losing just a few pounds and introducing strength training into my routine. Would love to have another daily logger pal, feel free to add me :)
  • Might have to watch some of the portions for your iron intake (though you can also consume calcium-rich foods in the same meal, that might help - calcium inhibits iron absorption) , but these are my staples excluding leafy greens: -chickpeas -black beans -brown rice -sweet potatoes -polenta or yellow grits -apples -avocado…
  • Also, only carbohydrate consumption naturally stimulates production of serotonin. It's hard enough dieting without the blues. So allow yourself that slice of multi-grain bread, or some sweet potatoes.
  • I definitely agree with previous posts. I was a little annoyed upon returning to the site - I'd forgotten about the fruit issue. I've been a pescetarian since I was fourteen, and I rely more on beans and soy protein than fish as it is. Since I try to eat whole foods whenever possible, I'm always amazed at the sugar (and…