

  • Me too!!! Need to lose the last twenty!!
  • skinny jeans!! skinny jeans!! skinny jeans!! and my thighs not to rub together!!!
  • I hate it when people tell you, your thin enough! I think they secretly want you to stay that way! or when they tell you, well your getting older, your not going to stay thin forever! they can kiss my booty and just watch me lose! LOL
  • This^^^ LMAO!!!
  • I use it everyday! only when im not home i dont use it. because i dont trust other peoples scales lol. Its like my best friend somedays and mortal enemy the next, I can't help myself! although sometimes it backfires because you get used to seeing the high numbers. :/
  • Oh yeah I gained weight on zolft, hated it, now i get depressed over being over weight which stops me from losing weight, its a vicious cycle! lol I rather manage my depression by myself than be on zolft and so far so good! because being on that med and gaining weight only made me more miserable, and it didnt make me happy…
  • that moment when you feel so uncomfortable in your own skin, when you bend down and the fat on your stomach touches your thighs, when you can no longer wear a dress without tights underneath because of your thighs rubbing together.