dapzzz Member


  • Just got my BF% measurements today. It looks like my fitbit scale overestimated my body fat by nearly 2 percentage points...it claimed 18.9% this morning, while the Bod Pod claimed 17.2%. I'm happy about this.
  • The relevant question though is, if you are losing 2 pounds or less per week, does this guarantee that all of that lost is fat? What evidence is there to suggest that going slowly means a higher % of weight lost is fat than going more rapidly?
  • I did some analytics using the Fitbit data. Here is a plot of my weight and body fat % over time: As you can see, visually it appears as if body fat % is dropping more rapidly than weight. I also computed the 25th percentile of weight measurements versus the 75th percentile, then divided those two #s. This statistic is…
  • So, I weighed in today at 219.1 pounds on my Fitbit scale. Granted, this was after vigorous cardio, so a lot of it represents lost water weight. Still, looks like I'm pretty close to achieving my goals. I'm quite happy with the results. At this point, I'm thinking of setting a new goal of 215 (roughly 5 more pounds) and…
  • Lol. Well, the probability of me getting injured on something as low-impact as an elliptical or treadmill is pretty low. I do agree that there is some risk associated with weight-training and with playing pickup basketball. But...that is life, I suppose. Hard to eliminate risk entirely.
  • 1. Regarding cardio: When I use the elliptical, I'd raise the resistance really high, and be able to do ~850 calories in 1 hour. I said "~1 hour in the original post", not 1 hr exactly. Lately I've been doing the treadmill a bit more, which is an even more time-efficient way to burn calories. Again, keep in mind that i'm a…
  • 1. How accurate do you think these measurements are? 2. Do you LOOK skinnier when you look at yourself in the mirror? I'm sure you have some pictures from 2 months ago...surely you don't look the same now as you did then? Personally, I suspect that these digital scales aren't very accurate at measuring BF%.
  • Update: So far, it appears to be going pretty well for me. I doubled my cardio last Wednesday to 2000 calories a day, in addition to the 500 calorie deficit that MFP suggested. On 1/04 I weighed 234 pounds. As of today (1/23) I weighed in @ 225.1 (Fitbit Aria scale). I've not noticed any loss of physical strength...still…
  • After googling, I came across the following two resources that suggest that trusting the treadmill isn't necessarily too far off: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/468963-are-treadmill-calorie-counters-correct…
  • Dang. That is super crappy if it turns out i've been overestimating..
  • I weigh ~230 pounds, so the machine reports a pretty decent amount lost per minute. I guess for people who weigh less, they'll burn less.
  • 1. So our bodies are too dumb to figure out that it should burn the fat for fuel, rather than muscle, especially if someone needs that muscle for weights? OK, I can buy that...sounds unfortunate though. I've not noticed myself getting any weaker though with my weight-training exercises. 2. Yeah, that is the sense I get.…
  • As a guy who suffers from occasional knee tendinitis, I definitely feel you on that. I never go running on cement for example...it kills my knees :) For cardio, I do things like basketball, the treadmill or the elliptical machine. Swimming is another low-impact thing I've thought of doing.
  • So I was/am somewhat concerned by the point you guys raise about cardio killing muscle, not fat. A few comments: 1. I try to counterbalance this by lifting throughout the week. Hopefully this sends the right signals to my body to keep the muscle and not lose the fat (hopefully my body is intelligent enough to realize that…