Painten Member


  • No invite needed, just jump right in :) Hey all the newer people.
  • A few years back i was in a sinilar position. Through circumstances beyond my control i had to leave college early so didn't get my qualifications then got bullied out of my first full time job. I lived on my own at the time. I found that lack of money was a massive barrier. Unless someoen has been there and had that…
  • I think the ones with the chest strap are the most accurate but if you do a search on the forums you'll find loads of threads with suggestions. There's bound to be reccomendations for wrist only ones.
  • floridapeachy.. 3lbs since saturday, wow that is good, you must have been really good. ntheba...great that you found a song you connected with like that, do you listen to that all the time now? I have not tried Chromium Picolinate but i'm willing to give it a bash, anything's worth a try isn't it? KariNick85...I am…
  • Guess i'm the first to weigh in today. SW: 301 CW: ? GW: 265 I've got tonsilitis right now so not really up to much so we'll just have to see how the week goes. I had some icecreams yesterday, my throat was so sore and hot water really wasn't helping it. Today though my throat feels really raw i'm struggling to even drink…
  • Dreamer, i'd go to what your comfortable with and stick with your original goal. When you get there you might want to lose some more or stay there. One of the reasons i don't have a proper goal weight because i think that the weight the bmi charts put for me seems a little ridiculous. I reckon i'd look unhealthy there.
  • Argh Zumba tonight, She's introduced a new routine where you keep spinning round. Holy moly first time i tried i went so dizzy i had to hold on to the wall to stop myself falling over, then i just kept skipping that. After the routine very loudly with her microphone she shows me how to do it and i had to explain i can't…
  • Checking in. I hope everyone is okay. Kids are on half term this week so i've not had much time to myself. Took the kids to the pictures yesterday. I didn't buy myself anything to snack on but i did buy the kids stuff and ofcourse couldn't stop myself munching then later ate almost a tub of Ben and Jerry's..ack. I logged…
  • I wasn't suggesting that people would drink 2000 cals worth of diet cola but it can push you over the edge if your assuming it's no calories and your drinking it like people drink water then it could be a problem. I do know someone who drink over 2 ltrs of the stuff a day, if not more.
  • I'm in the uk and here there is calorie info for diet cola and it does say that is has 1 calorie in a 330 ml can. I've seen lots of people say that in the US the labeling info isn't as strict as over here so bare that in mind if your having multiple cans/ bottles a day.
  • Do a search, i'm pretty sure i've seen loads of threads on this.
  • I'm in the UK so we don't have thanksgiving, but we do have turkey's at Christmas. I can imagine that it is yummy and that is a big difference in cooking times too. that must save loads of time.
  • I h ve never even heard of anyone frying a turkey, Do you literally mean shoving a whole turkey in a fryer? I'd go with the pp, Christmas/thanksgiving is pretty much all about the food for us adults, enjoy the day. One day wont hurt.
  • I think the thinking about food is a mental thing. I eat 3 meals a day though not all the same size, breakfast is a lot smaller than the other 2. I find i'm less hungry in a morning though anyway. I think about food all the time, unless i am too busy which is very rare i'm too busy to think about food. It's something i've…
  • Hi to all the new people :) Today was excruiating, we were out lookig for a new sofa and ended up going to burgerking for lunch. I didn't have any but then had to wait for what turned out to be another 2 hours before i managed to eat a subway. I could have eaten one of the kids by that point *lol*
  • Did a zumba class today. Would have been under cals except i've discovered strawberry daiquiri's *rofl* only 15 cals over so i'm not going to beat myself up over it.
  • Today is the first day i've eaten properly for a week so i am not even going to weigh myself tomorrow. I do tend to eat when i'm down or stressed. Something i really need to tackle. My sister has had my mums cats off her now as she is no longer able to take care of them properly. Not something my sister wanted really but…
  • Sorry i've not been posting as i've had a lot on this week. My mum has been unwell and uni has stepped up a notch. I've felt like i've not had a stress free moment all week. Really looking forward to zumba tomorrow as i really need to let off some steam. Shannon..i know how that is. Till i started uni i pretty much never…
  • I've gained 2lbs..that's dissapointing. Starting weight - 301 Goal weight - still not sure Current weight - 268
  • Vikki you really could so zumba. We have 2 women in there 50's who come to our class, if they can so it then so could you. And no-one has worse co-ordination than me lol. Well i guess i've lost a cinderblock whatever one of them is. I have finally dropped a jeans size. I was beginning to think it would never happen so i'm…
  • Hey all, Thanks for the messages Vikki and Dreamer. With support like that i had to come back. To catch up and for those who don't "know" me I am a 33 y/o mum to two kids 6 and 5. This september i started studying for my degree full time at uni. I struggle with a sugar addiction. I don't know if i've managed more than a…
  • How about Carrot and Courgette muffins. My kids dont' really like either veg that much but they love these. I make regular sized muffins but these could easily be made into mini muffins Serves 6 Ingredients Carrots - Raw, 40 g Generic - Uk Courgette 100g, Tesco Value - Plain Flour, 150 g Vegetable Oil 1 Tablespoon Semi…
    in Baking Comment by Painten September 2011
  • My OH isn't really supportive to me. I had to tell him though even for the reason that he likes all the bad foods and he will bring them home or want to order takeaways for dinner, etc. If i hadn't told him then he'd have kept bringing stuff home, although to be fair he still does bring stuff home. Every so often we have a…
  • I love bacon, i get unsmoked back bacon, it's not too high in calories for meat and it gives loads of flavour to to food. I never considered bacon processed or any more processed that chicken breasts are.
  • I'm 5"7 and the reccomended weight is around 10stone 9 which i think is around 145lbs? I think i'll probably aim for around 10lbs above that and see how i feel. I might feel good heavier than that. My ultimate goal isn't a weight it's a feeling and when i feel it i'll know.
  • I recently started suffering from this after reducing my calorie intake. It was too few calories for me. I was eating my exercise calories back but it wasn't till i put my calories up again that i stopped getting dizzy so often.
    in Dizzy Comment by Painten September 2011
  • Just save some calories and eat something when you know your going to be hungry.
  • You don't have to go vegitarian or go on a raw food diet to lose weight, you just have to control portion sizes and eat healthly.
  • I have mine set at sedentary. I therefore log all my exercise. I don't however log regular housework - I did spend a day at a trying to help clean a horders house and i sure logged that - shopping etc. It says ont he description for people who don't do a lot, have office jobs etc i figure that when i had an office job i…
  • Since i've been trying to lose i've hardly baked at all. Some people will suggest any cake mix with a diet drink instead of eggs...but first that's hardly baking and secondly it taste yuk! The times i have baked though i have halved the quantities. Last time i baked with the kids i only made 6 muffins, we all had 1 (4 of…