megd44 Member


  • Day 11, 2 sets completed.
  • Day 9 and Day 10 done, two sets each. @SmithsonianEmpress I told you I hated the mountain climbers!! Glad to see I am not totally alone. LOL :p
  • I am a light beer or red wine drinker - the heavier and drier the better!. I just make sure they fit into my totals. ;)
  • Good morning (or afternoon/evening)!! Day 8 is completed. Two sets completed @SmithsonianEmpress I despise mountain climbers. Would quadruple tricep dips and push ups to avoid. ;) but doing the climbers
  • I am a big water drinker, and have been for years. What moved me from my diet Coke addiction was to get a 64 oz., super insulated Red Wings mug about 15 years ago (I lived in Detroit and am a life long hockey fan.) Now living in the desert, hydration is a must. Like @TheCupcakeCounter I drink about 16 oz before and during…
  • Completed day 7.
  • Great job everyone!!
  • I have been counting right leg, left leg equals one. But your question makes me wonder?
  • @dmiller4129 I love this!! not good at the meme thing, but these are all fabulous. I had a week that worked for me, but with a serious new workout plan that started Thursday, I am expecting to see no loss or potentially a gain this week. I am at the last ten to lose and just need to remind myself to work the plan and it…
  • Day 6 done, two sets.
  • You are not alone! You are back and ready to move forward, which is all you can do at this point. If you have triggers that make you stumble, identify those and try to create some mechanisms to combat them when they hit. Just take it one day at a time and remember this is a marathon, not a sprint. Feel free to send me a FR.
    in FAIL Comment by megd44 March 2017
  • Completed day three and day four. Two sets each with regular workout. Ugh, mountain climbers...
  • Feel free to add me. I am 48 and 6 pounds away from my goal (but may push that again.) Set to lose .5 lbs per week. I am logging daily. My focus is more about overall health and fitness than a number on the scale, at this point.
  • Happy Thursday all. Sounds like we are all figuring out what works for us individually in this MFP dance. :) @karenleona - great job getting out there. I have a stationery bike that was collecting dust until I recommitted to this last month. It has been great to be back on it and get a solid calorie burn in.…
  • Day two done, in addition to regular workout. Got two sets completed. can i just say, I really dislike mountain climbers!
  • Day 1 - two sets completed and regular workout done.
  • I have ordered a tracker and will be fascinated to see how much I actually move (outside of working out) when it arrives. I have been a crazy workaholic for the last 20 plus years and this fall, resigned from my position (running a non-profit here in Vegas.) I loved my job, loved our mission, but hit complete burn out, a…
  • Name: Meg Age: 48 Height: 5'6 Current Weight: 147 Challenge Goal Weight: 143 Ultimate Goal Weight: 140 to 145 Motivation: I had used MFP a few years ago and still had those last few pounds hanging on. My MIL was here for three weeks in late January, and at 65 would not move. She could not pick p anything over three or for…
  • There is some newer research that adding a few tablespoons daily can actually help those that have a TBI (such as a concussion.) Coconut oil is one of the oils we use in cooking -need to use oil - and we use it as a moisturizer too.
  • We have had an inversion table for about ten years and love it. I have minor scoliosis and my husband issues from beating his body up in his earl 20s. I just started exercising again and do a lot of stretching and pilates. I have fond that getting on the table for just a few minutes 2 or 3 times a week really stretches my…
  • I notices yo only had one glass of water yesterday. Try to drink more if you can. Sometimes you can be dehydrated and you think/feel as if you are hungry.
  • Good morning. Looks like you have the right idea. Feel free to send a friend request and good luck!
  • Welcome. Feel free to add me. Mini goals are a great way to get started.
  • Feel free to add me. I went through early menopause as well (42) and am 48 now. My goal on MFP this time is to develop solid exercise habits that will allow me to remain active for the future. Hoping to lose a few ponds as the final weight that just hangs on, but that will be a bonus for me if it happens. I am more looking…
  • This is a great place to learn the tips and get the motivation to do this. Feel free to add me if you need friends.
  • Welcome back. Great job with your results and starting. You can do this, but it does take a bit longer in the 40s.
    in Hello Comment by megd44 February 2017
  • Good job on the loss. Slow and steady is what will keep it off - or at least it has for me. Generally, there are about 10 - 15 pounds between sizes in women's clothes. But remember, one size at one store may be different than another. For example, I generally wear a size smaller at Ann Taylor than the Gap. So, when I need…
    in goal Comment by megd44 February 2017
  • Just sent a request. Hoping to lose my last eight, but really focusing into getting back into a regular exercise habit!
    in hi Comment by megd44 February 2017