murmt Member


  • I did it! For the first time in my life I have consistently exercised for a whole month! Here are the results: I am 29, 1.72 m (5"8) Starting weight on 01/28/2013: 95.2 kg (209.9 lbs) End result: 93.5 kg (206.1 lbs) Only 1.7 kg (3.8 lbs) difference, but that's not really the point, when you take a look at the measurements!…
    in Results Comment by murmt March 2013
  • I've got 3 days left and had to skip today :sad: I don't know if it's Level 3 or the whole month of suddenly onset exercise is catching up with me, but EVERY joint in my body pops and crackles, my left tricep is hurting (which makes planks very difficult) and my right leg suddenly gave out today with a spasm of sudden…
  • I'm way behind too, on L3D2 today, and Saturday will be resting, so my finish will be on March 6 only. You won't be left alone :) Congrats everyone who finished it in 30 days!
  • Oh how good it is to say goodbye to level 2! One rest day tomorrow and onwards to level 3!
  • I'm behind too, luckily, not as much as I thought I would be. Did Day 6 Level 2 and can't wait to get out of this level, because all those crazy planks are killing me!
  • Had to be day 3, but this morning I slipped on some ice, fell and something happened to my already hurting back :( Now I'm having trouble breathing without pain, let alone exercising, so another break for me. And a day or two probably won't cut it, I might need a week or so :( This bugs me to no end, because I usualy have…
  • Wow, this sucks! Just when you think "it's not so bad" in level 1, Jillian gives you all kinds of new torture in level 2. Especially difficult for people like me, with severe coordination and balance deficit :)) My husband had to actually keep me steady for the deep lunge, and pendulum lunges are so confusing - legs alone…
  • Done! Even upped my weights today - 2.5 lbs to 5.5 lbs (been doing chestflies with 11 lbs for the last few days, it's weird how my biceps are a lot more developed than the rest of my body). Sadly, still can only do girlie pushups, but went from zero on the first day to ~12-15 today, so progress nevertheless :) Tomorrow…
  • Hi, I'm also joining you :) I started the Shred on 1/28, did it for 4 days and then had a 2 day break because of a mean TOM. Was a bit scared to start again on Sunday, but pushed through and today was L1D6 - only 4 more to go! Day 1 was hell, because I hate all kinds of exercise with great passion and last time did some in…
  • And did you look/feel good in size 6 or 8? Bonewise, I mean :) I have quite a large structure, and my bones are really dense and heavy (my brothers' also - and that's a good thing, since both of us had a LOT of opportunities to break something, and have never even had a fracture). Large hands (very hard to find womens'…