Good Luck!!!!! I started turbo jam today :)
I would like to join... This would help motivate me... Is it too late?
Turbofire, 3rd week :smile:
Okay... So I had a yeast infection for the first time last year and I though I was gonna die.... I went to urgent care and the prescribed me a pill... It was called Fluconazole (Diflucan)... It did work a miracle.... Hope this help, oh... it took a couple hours to kick in though... Best thing is to go see the doc....
My husband use to do things that bother me (like eating a lot of junk). He didn't understand how much it bothered me until I brought it to his attention. Once I did that he was conscious of it, until I was able to handle it. He tried not to eat chips and things in front of me, and for the most part, kept it out the house.…
Why dump your friends???? If you are truly a good friend, then that mean your support the people in your circle... Why turn on them when they may need you the most. I have a small friend list... 2 people, one person I check on almost daily and the other inspire me to do well. If I left for a while and came back for support…