TGIBriday83 Member


  • i have noooo idea. how do you find something that doesn't have a carb or protein. that makes no sense. walnuts and almonds have protein in them. gummy bears have suger... which is a carb. i really have no idea. i think walnuts was suggested because their supposed to act a a hunger inhibitor. some chemical in them makes you…
  • ya, natural sugars are good for you... granted if your eating an entire sack of valencia oranges in one sitting that you may need to reasess your habits. but seriously, its the refined and added sugars to packaged foods and sweets that will cause your waistline to erupt.
  • this is such a hard concept for me to understand. im always struggling to stay under. i guess thats one of the main differences between men and women.
  • keep at it. maybe try adjusting your caloric intake. 1200 seems like it might be kind of low with how much working out your doing. but for the most part just keep at it. most people lose a nice amount to start and then plateau shortly there after. itll come. just don't get discouraged.
  • i dont understand people who try the laxative thing for weight loss. it's not helping you at all. 1. as soon as you eat again that weight is back and 2. its not changing how you look. your pants might fit a little better in the waist but thats about it. i remember a few months back when i was working at target i overheard…
  • we have video and i've tried every way i can think of. how do you post a url as link?
  • i apologize if this comes off as rude, crude or insensitive to the situation... i really do, but... who would voluntarily have sex with that woman? how does someone have sex with that woman? is it physically possible? my mind it bottled... like when your mind is trapped in a bottle. but seriously this whole thing is…
  • usually shin splints result from new activity too hard too fast. often times the best way to heal them is to rest, ice and stretch to aid the healing process. when you do start back up with jogging or running take it slow. go at a slower pace or shorter amount of time and be sure to stretch and ice after. like anything…
  • you basically need to play around with your calories and diet in order to find soemthing that'll work. you could be taking in too few. you also have to realize that those first 11 lbs came off quick cuz it was new and different, but your body adjusted and apparently is letting weight off at a lot slower and healthier…
  • no, you have to pace yourself. marathn runners dont start off running 26 their first try. you have to build and work up to things like that. i know it seems frustrating but you have to take into account your current physical condition and work at your current level and build upon it.
  • light exercise isnt a bad idea. it will help get extra blood and oxygen flowing to the muscles which will help ease the soreness and aid in recovery. definitely dont go crazy, but you might find that doing something light and simple could help make you feel better.
  • i dont think this is something to worry about. its probably a case of one leg or one side of your body dominating the other. it could also just be a case of your body pulling off fat in an uneven way. Have you ever noticed sometimes on the biggest loser that sometimes the guys will have one man boob, or moob, is slightly…
  • starving children in Kenya are getting more nutrtion than that! but seriously, there's no way that's "healthy". It's simply weight loss through starvation. The weight will come back as soon as her diet goes back to normal.
  • and i'm not saying kids shouldn't have treats or anything like that. it's the frequency and situation. and i agree 100% about the sedentary lifestyles. 1500 tv channels, and video games have had a major hand in that. I had nintendo and things like that as a kid, but at the same time i was expected to go outside and play.…
  • a lot of it has to do with a lack of proper education. I myself am guilty of this. Ya i had always considered myself a somewhat healthy eater until i started logging in my meals and seeing exactly how many claories i really was eating, not to mention other factors such as sugar and fat, sodium, etc. Some people don't…
  • then what's the point of it if you're not going to use it. theres a lot more to all of this than calories in and out. know sodium, protein, carbs, and sugar etc is all helpful in determining why you may or may not be losing.
  • seriously, you need to be eating more. ya you might think its weird to not lose anything in a month but think of it this way. your body goes into starvation mode so it slows its matabolism down and hold on to literally everything you eat in order to maintain itself... thus you arent going to lose anything. basically the…
  • 1000-1200 calories is a really really low amount of calories. throw in the fact you exercise regularly and that calorie amount is down even further. granted I can't say for sure, but it could be a case of not eating enough. you're not taking in enough calories to full your metabolism and now you body could be in starvation…
  • I have the Polar RS100 too. It works great for me. It''s really nice to have a more accurate idea of how many calories i'm burning when I work out, especially when I'm lifting weights. The syncing up with the heart rate monitors on the gym's cardio equipment was a nice added bonus. I was kind of freaked out at first cuz I…
  • ya in order to really bulk up and build muscle you have to be taking in a lot of calories. all those muscles need fuel.
  • a good rule of thumb is if you are so sore that you almost can't move than no, don't work out. if your just tender or sore in a nagging kind of way then by all means work out. working out while your still sore will actually help alleviate a lot of the soreness because it gets more oxygen and blood pumping to your muscles.…
  • it's insane to think that those people are actually considered "professionals."
  • it's probably not a bad idea to take some kind of protein. a lot of women have trouble getting an adequte amount of protein into their daily diet. my girl friend for example just isnt that crazy about meat and when she does eat it, she basically picks it apart. the slightest hint of fat and its "too fatty" and lord help if…
  • ya theres a guy in my bowling league who had it done and he's still huge. People don't seem to realize that even though your stomach is smaller you still have to change your eating habits. He sits there for all three hours and grazes on french fries, and pizza and lord know what else. its the same amount of calories and…
  • it's just funny cuz i wish i had that problem. i'm constantly having to readjust my meals and recalculate what im eating to try and stay under mine. it's so hard to do cuz i feel like i need to make my meals be more than just a piece of bread and water but at the same time by the time i get through the day its like…
  • i totally get what you're saying. that's why lately i've hated going out to eat at places where i can't get nutritional info cuz i don't know how to track it. often times im left guesstimating and really how accurate is that?
  • don't use "there's no gym" as a crutch. There are plenty of other ways to get exercise without a gym. take time and maybe map out and go for a run. if you guys are going some place think about walking rather than hopping in the car or getting a taxi (it'll also save you money). do activities that are going to be able to…
  • its true that it doesn't take into account things such as body type and stature. it just kind of assumes that everyone is built pretty much the same. this is especially true for athletes or people with a more athletic build. i've consistently played sports since i was 7 and trained and lifted weights and worked out for…
    in BMI Comment by TGIBriday83 January 2010
  • i love that the first post by that person was to criticize your post... kinda funny
  • Ya i know everything in moderation. That's not the point i was trying to make. Rather than portraying it as a healthier option it seems like its being glorified as a 100% guarenteed diet plan. Because of that you know there are people who aren't going to take the time to get the facts and will say "wow i can eat taco bell…