

  • I never feel motivated to work out - there is no form of exercise I enjoy so I have accepted that I will NEVER feel motivated to work out. I'll always dread working out, there is never going to be a day that arrives where I think 'oh I cant wait to go for a run today'. Instead I write my exercise into my diary like its an…
  • I'm a big believer in listening to your body - so when your belly rumbles (and I mean actually physically rumbling, not you feeling a bit bored and fancying a snack) that is time to eat. I personally eat my 3 standard meals a day, and have a snack around 11am and another protein based snack around 4/4.30pm to help me…
  • Its great to hear from so many other brides to be - my wedding is in August this year so I am on the bandwagon with you ladies! Got nearly 40lbs to lose to hit my target and 4.4 lbs have gone so far (since Thursday) so fingers crossed I can maintain this kind of motivation! I bought my dress in September 2013 when I was…
  • I have a 94 calorie chocolate mousse - I used to eat a full chocolate bar after dinner every night so for me this is a huge improvement! If you have the willpower then go all out and like others have said, quit sugar completely to break the 21 day addiction cycle thing. I personally cannot think about anything else on an…