TLTucker80 Member


  • I deal with that. I usually make 2 different meals for supper one for the family and one for me. I don't always have the time for that so sometimes I'm stuck eating what I cook for them. So I'm looking for suggestions too......sorry I couldn't help you
  • I'm completely the other way. I feel that there's a skinny girl inside that the fat girl on the outside ate and the skinny girl is yelling to get out but the fat girl wont let her out lol. But have the same problems with cravings. There has been lots of good suggestions given that I will be trying. Thanks everyone.
  • I'm 5'5' and currently weigh 257.4lbs. I have 107 pounds to lose. I eat at 1200 for a 2 months then I up it to about 1400 for a month or so. I lose when I eat 1200 but gain it all back when I up it to 1400. Yes I weigh everything that I put in my mouth at both calories.
  • Advise please anyone
  • We have 25 cents store at our local church, so I went and bought some pants. One in every size between the size I'm in, to the size I want to be in. I hang the next size down up on my closet door so I see them every time I go into my room. I was hoping that would work but unfortunately I keep falling off the wagon( not…
  • So glad someone else is feeling the same way I am!!! I am just like you always doing something for someone else never myself, and if I try and make time for myself someone always needs this or that needs me to run here or there it never fails. And some times I feel like they just don't want me to succeed at losing weight.…
  • I have a meal replacement shake a day but just because I've never been much of a breakfast and sometimes lunch eater so I have one to put something in my body so I don't over do it at night
  • This may sound silly but it works for me First I have a journal that I write in all the time. When I think about emotional eating I write down how I'm feeling and why (if I know sometimes you don't know why you are feeling a curtain way). Then if that didn't help I color ( I always keep coloring books and colors around) or…
  • I have 125 pounds to loss. Feel free to add me it sure would be nice to have someone with about the same goals as I have!:drinker:
  • I'm 33 and I started my journey last Jan. but fell off the wagon lol. I'm back and starting over I will not fall off the wagon this time. Feel free to add me>
  • Feel free to add me:-) I lost weight at the beginning of last year and gain it all plus some back. Like you I am starting over and this time I will do it. I have 100 + pounds to lose and I will not stop until I get there. Then I wont stop after that I will work on maintaining my goal weight for the rest of my life. Today…
  • Is it to late to join the challenge???? Sorry just found this topic
  • They have 30 day shred on You Tube and the only thing and you don't really have to have them is weights, but you can use water bottle or cans of veggies. You can do the exercises with out them to.
  • I have a membership at Anytime Fitness. I personally love it. Each gym is different as in the machines they have, price of membership, class they offer, and personal trainers. I go to the gym in Jennings Louisiana, it's the one closest to my house. I really love the elements fitness on command. There are several different…
  • I am pretty much stressed all the time (taking care of all 3 families business, bills, cooking, cleaning,etc....). I always turned to food. Now I'm trying not to eat when I'm stressed, but that doesn't always work so for the last week when I reach for food when I'm stressed I eat watermelon. I also burn off stress at the…
  • Don't worry, you wont mess anything up. That is one of the things I made this group for is for us to help each other. If you need any thing just holler at me lol.
  • OK I counted up the votes I got so far, and as of right now Monday's will be our weigh in day. The votes were Monday: lllll = 5 Tuesday: =0 Wednesday: l =1 Thursday: =0 Friday: =0 Saturday: =0 Sunday; =0 Doesn't Matter: ll= 2 I will continue checking on the votes to see if more people votes. Tammy
  • We are starting on Monday.:love:
  • You can do this! Please don't give up! Take it one day at a time. I myself has times where I blow my calories ( here lately really) That what I want this group to do help everyone.
  • I am getting everything ready for us to get started. Just wanted to get everyone opinion, I don't really like the idea of having eliminations. Our journey doesn't end just because we lose the less weight in a group of people. Our journeys continue for the rest of our lives, even after you reach your goal weight or a weight…
  • If you would like to join you can message me or ask here and I will send you an invite. Thank you for your time.
  • Thank you I really need to hear that today...... very well said.
  • I hope that I am good enough for someone! :) [/quote] Girl you are good enough for everyone!!!!!! now everyone may not be good enough for you. You are an amazing person and a really good friend!!:flowerforyou:
  • I'm really overweight and I don't know if that is the reason or not but I have to hold the rails. well not really hold them I have to at least touch them because I have tried not to and I just can't walk on the treadmill with out touching the rails. I haven't been doing the treadmill long so maybe I might get to the point…
  • bump...... for later
  • Girl you and Mark can get through this. Let me tell you my story. I meet my husband when I was 14 ( and everyone please don't judge me or him and don't think he is a bad guy). he was 26. He had been married before and had 2 kids with her. She gave up all her rights and visitation and all with the kids. I was in the court…
  • Mine is Seroquel, Lexapro, and Elavil. I have gained 85 pounds while the doctor was trying to get my doses right. When he got it right he helped me start a diet plan. I started it on Jan. 4th weighting 255 pounds and the last timed I weighed was 2 weeks ago and I weighed 239 pounds I go back to the doctor today and he will…
  • I want to join this challenge. I'm 239 pounds and have about 100 pounds to lose.