

  • All of Jillian Michael's DVD programs are awesome and several of them are only 30 minutes! I am currently in the middle of her Body Revolution 90 day program which is a progression of a bunch of high intensity 30 minute workouts and I have seen huge results! I own all of her DVDs and they are awesome! You can follow the…
  • You DEFINITELY will not get bored! She gives you a ton of modifications, so it's easy to push yourself and mix it up!
  • I am on week 7 OF JMBR and I love it.. I am seeing big results and it's only 30 minutes day, amazing! A word to those of you that have been doing many of JM's other DVDs and are at the "advanced" levels 3&4.. you may want to just skip workouts 1&2 altogether.. They are very "level 1"-like from her other programs and you…
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