

  • Oh, and the trail is all on-road biking. :)
  • beerbomber - I never really estimated how well I can bike ride before. I've done about 7 miles in 45 minutes last year, but I haven't done much with the bike lately. I own a 5-speed mountain bike I bought 5/6 years ago; it's nothing too fancy. And I probably want to allow 6-7 days for the trip, just in case something…
  • I have Netflix on my phone, so I watch episodes of "The Office." Doing 30 minutes on the elliptical goes by so quickly after watching something that is interesting. If you have the capabilities, you should try watching some TV episodes you enjoy! :)
  • This site was the best thing for me to get started and to get my workout going. The one thing that makes it easier to use is if you have the app on the phone. I don't know if you have an iPhone or Android but it is pretty convenient. If not, bookmark this as your homepage on your computer so you'll never forget to check…
  • I am loving all these friend requests! :) I hope to get to know all of you guys better and get fit together. I'm so excited! Haha :)
  • Awesome ideas everyone! Thanks for all the snack and sides ideas. I'm sure my meals wont seem boring anymore! :)
  • Any suggestions for a cheap, but accurate scale?
  • I'm 5'1 and started off at 180 in the beginning of this year. It's only been 11 days so I don't have any success stories yet, but I know that they'll be coming soon. And I know you'll be sharing some success stories with all of us soon too. YOU CAN DO IT!!! :)