FrogAndGiraffe Member


  • Please feel free to add me, littlebraze84 and anyone else. Working mom here too. I have a 4.5 year old daughter and a little guy who just turned 1. I'm new to this site, but so thrilled to have found it. Would be very glad to support you!
  • Thanks so much for starting this post -- great ideas on here! This is me, too -- at a desk all day. I recently started setting a timer on my computer and get up to walk around every 54 minutes. Not only has it made me move more, the added bonus is that I'm more focused and productive during the 54 minutes. I also try to…
  • Hi there! I'm brand new to this site as well. Sounds as if we're on a similar track -- I'm at 189 at the moment and my goal is 160. I, too, tote around a 20+ pound baby. :smile: Would love to be friends -- please feel free to add me.