wishuponastar2014 Member


  • My friend and I take our readings to the gym and read while walking on the treadmill. It's not too bad if you do like 3, even 3.5, mph. Or try reading while on a stationary bike--burns lots of calories (even though your butt will be extremely sore if you do it for more than 30 minutes).
  • I use the chocolate-flavored powder from Body Fortress. You can get it either at Walmart or Kroger. I use one scoop plus one teaspoon of instant coffee and mix it with water. The coffee is supposed to help boost your metabolism (and it gives you a little caffeine).
  • I'm currently doing my first round of insanity with my friends. We're starting our fourth week tomorrow. It's painful the first couple weeks. I found myself having to do modified versions of the exercises or needing to take frequent breaks. I think I'm finally at the point where I can last an entire workout with minimal…