welly5 Member


  • I'm up at 5am for an early workouts so I just grab a banana or have a small bowl of cinnamon puffins cereal (omg so good). Then I have a big breakfast later.
  • who knew the internet would be so full of such amazing kitten photos? kitttens. KITTANS
  • I've thought about the same thing before I fall asleep for the past 5 or 6 years. It started as a way to stop my mind my chattering and let me fall asleep, but now I do it automatically: I imagine that I'm on a small island on the ocean with various plants growing. Then I decide what I'm going to eat or image what my day…
  • I have issues respecting toothbrush ownership. Sorry friends, boyfriend, siblings.. all toothbrushes are in danger of being used by me if they are nearby and my teeth need brushing.
  • I've never been a cashier, but I worked in retail (high end shoe stores) all through university so I totally empathize with the frustration of having to serve the general public day in and day out. The most annoying/hilarious request was customers who would hand me a shoe and say "can I have this in my size please?"…
  • It's easier to say no when you plan on saying yes from time to time. Pick a specific day as your "doughnut day" and have one on that day (once a week, or once every couple of weeks). That way when you are staring at the delicious doughnuts you can tell yourself "I just have to wait till friday and then it's dougnut day!" I…
  • I've had many many weekends of eating tons o' everything during this weight loss. Going out for dinners with friends and family, nights out with lots of drinks, a couple of trips that were based around places we wanted to eat. In the long run it might have slowed down the loss a little bit, but it never threw me off track…
  • HA! I totally get the "you have to be taller than 5'8" (which i know isn't as tall as lots of the people in here) from guys who are shorter than 5'8
  • I'd be all HAY GIRL!! :D
  • Congratulations! You both look great and its so sweet that you were able to do it together. Really inspiring story
  • You are not alone! When I first started going to fitness classes I had lost 30 pounds and discovered that I was still the biggest girl there by far, and I wasn't even big anymore! The girls in the class were SO FIT. Like carved out of stone. I normally feel good about myself but for some reason that really got to me.…
  • Oh man, this is why I go to the gym at that magical hour (6:45 am to 7:15am) when it is completely COMPLETELY empty. Not even any staff (24hr gym only gets staffed at 9am) Then I can prance around using whatever machines I want in any order without waiting and no judgement and do lots of weird flexi stretches in between…
  • "Well look at that, the cats have learned to juggle their kibbles. I'm impressed kitties. Very impressed"
  • professional athlete Would you rather be naturally better than average at most things without trying, but lack motivation to get better than you naturally are or Be naturally worse than average at most things but have tons of motivation and drive to improve yourself if you put your mind to it?
  • Nah, I still have big meals from time to time where I eat ALL OF THE NOMS, so I just assume that those people are having a treat meal. Or I don't really care what they eat either way, as long as they aren't stealing it from my plate.
  • Sincere condolences to you and your family regarding your tragic eating accident. It's so hard what to determine what is food/what is not food that it's easy to see one could accidentally consume neighbors/family members/pets and totally TOTALLY blow their saturated fats and calories for the day.
  • I work out with my boyfriend fairly often. We take a hot yoga class once a week, it's a great class because the teacher accomodates various levels so there are lots of modifications for less flexible boyfriend and then advanced poses for myself. We also go to the gym together from time to time, I do cardio at the gym (he…
  • Congrats!!!! 1. you look amazing! 2. Congrats on maintaining, that's the real goal with all of this and its so inspiring to see someone achieve it :)
  • Wow! You are looking significantly smaller. What a huge difference
  • If we are just talking about looking and ignoring personality then I'd have to say that my type has developed into : -Fit, Athletic, Tall Asian :D :D
  • jake gyllenhaal - esp in donny darko and jarhead
  • I just remind myself its in my mind, my legs and lungs usually have more to give but my mind is all "heya! Lets take a break!"
  • Walleyclan: first row last photo. Adorable! Edit for Connie: first row second picture. Pretty face :)
  • tannedtiffers: last row first pic, love love your colourful hair :)
  • I'm 5' 8" and in my current profile picture I'm 142. Goal weight is 135 which is probably the lowest I'll go. I've been happy in the past with anywhere from 148 to 135. (highest weight was 190)
  • I remember my mom painting my nails this dark dark blue colour when I was 6 or 7. I was so thrilled! An older gentleman saw them later was asked me if my mother knew what I had done and I was all "she painted them!" I don't see the harm in getting them painted, it will be something that she remembers as a positive…
  • I've been used to the minus 40 prairie winter weather here for years but this year I was FREEZING! oMG. Never ever warm. During hot yoga instead of being all overheated and worn out feeling I was all "ahhhh, I am FINALLY FINALLY warm" and wouldn't want to leave. A more positive surprise was that by losing weight gaining…
  • That's so awesome! Clothes are such a good indicator of process. I also spat my coffee at the laptop screen at the photo of the really really tiny shorts.. how are they not cutting off all blood flow?
  • Don't worry about being sweaty! That means you are doing it right! Another thing to consider is just focusing on calorie counting for a few months and then adding exercise once you lose a bit of weight/gain confidence. I lost over 1/2 of the weight by just calorie counting because I kept hurting my back working out. It's…
  • I have a mix of expensive and cheap workout clothes: Cheap - Joe Fresh (superstore in canada, stand alone store in some places in the states) - Really cute tanks and sports bras Target Sportcheck (clearance section) Expensive- I find the running clothes from lululemon to be worth it, the running tights have lasted me…