freya1331 Member


  • I am a mom who needs to loose 150 lbs.....I have been struggling with my weight for over 20 yrs. please feel free to add me
  • My last post on this I weighed in today a full week after starting diet 5.6 lbs down so it was probably like some of you said water weight or other things....doing a happy dance
  • Ok so I have to say thank you to most of you in all this is a fairly supportive group.....However some people are just rude. If I loose or don't loose weight based on what I eat or how i do it it is not your right nor privilege to tell me I am doing it all wrong. I think every person has there own way of doing this and…
  • Ok so I disagree I am building muscle from walking I went from barely using these muscles to using them consistently for 30 min or more than yes I am building muscle. weights would be nice if I had access to them but i…
  • Thank you I found that very helpful
  • Ok so I hope I have answers I went from a sedimentary day of sitting around to walking 30 min a day in am and 3 hrs airsoft last weekend. He (hubby) took my measurements when he got home and saw how sad I was lost 5.5 inches of my body so maybe did not loose weight gained some muscle I will take off inches any day :)…
  • Well It changes from day to day but I am allowed 2100 without workout and 2400 when i add in my walking most das I have over 600 calories left over so when i enter the results is says you should be down to what ever in 5 weeks I was at 310 yesterday and it was saying down to 297 in 5 weeks.....kind of scary to open my…
  • How do you open diary I don't even see that?