How come men can loose so easy



  • Today414
    Today414 Posts: 118

    I didn't read any of this post.. but I saw this and cracked up and I thought I should let you know.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    One thing I notice in my private practice is that women in relationships with men constantly complain that their hubby or boyfriend can eat more without gaining weight, or that he can drop pounds faster. It’s unfair but definitely true. When it comes to nutrition and weight loss, men and women truly are like apples and oranges. Just how great is the divide? Take this quiz to find out and read on for some tips designed to help you level the field:

    1) If a man and woman are the same height, how many more calories will he burn per day:

    A) 0 - they burn the same amount
    B) 10 percent
    C) 20 percent 

    Answer: C. Because men have more muscle mass, they burn about 20 percent more calories doing nothing, even at the same height, and men are on average 5 inches taller than women, which further widens the calorie burning gap.
    Tip: If you “split” an appetizer, dessert or pizza, make it a 60/40 or 70/30 share rather than 50/50.

    2) If a man and woman of average height and weight both walk on treadmills at 4 miles per hour for 1 hour, how many more calories will he burn:

    A) 25
    B) 50
    C) 75

    Answer: B. According to the latest stats, the average American man weighs 26 pounds more than the average woman, which allows him to burn slightly more calories per hour.
    Tip: Make up the difference by cutting an extra 50 calories. For example, trade mayo for hummus on a sandwich or swap orange juice for a whole orange.

    3) To support “ideal body weight” how many more servings of grains does an average man need per day compared to a woman?

    A) 1 more
    B) 2 more
    C) 3 more

    Answer: C. One serving of grains is equal to one slice of bread or a half cup of cooked brown rice. Most women need no more than six servings per day or no more than two per meal, perhaps less if you’re petite or less active.
    Tip: To fill up your plate without overloading on carbs, replace half of your starchy serving with chopped or shredded veggies or wrap a sandwich in crisp romaine leaves instead of bread.

    4) True or false: men and women’s brains work differently when exposed to enticing foods:

    A) True
    B) False

    Answer: A, at least from what the research indicates. One study looked at the favorite foods of 13 women and 10 men, which included lasagna, pizza, brownies, ice cream and fried chicken. After they fasted for 20 hours, the subjects underwent brain scans while being presented with their favorite foods, but they weren’t allowed to eat them. The researchers found that after the sneak peek the women's brains still acted as if they were hungry, but the men's did not. Scientists aren’t exactly sure why but they have a few theories. The first is that the female brain may be hard-wired to eat when food is available because women need nutrition to support pregnancy. The second is that female hormones may react differently with the part of the brain linked to triggering or suppressing hunger.
    Tip: One smart strategy is to keep a food diary, even if it's only temporary. Most of us underestimate how much we eat and even forget about some of the foods we mindlessly munch on. Writing it down is like a reality check for our built-in biological drivers.

    Bottom line: There are significant differences between men and women. For example, when I think that my husband’s ideal weight is almost 100 pounds more than mine I don’t get as frustrated by the fact that he can eat more, because it’s just physics. Some of my female clients like the following analogy because it helps them keep things in perspective: Eating with a guy is like going shopping with a friend who makes a lot more money than you – maybe you can’t spend as much, but you can still enjoy the experience, and if you make peace with the fact that you don’t have the same budget, it can be very freeing rather than causing you angst.


    but my answer is usually b/c they suck. :wink:
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    I don't know, I've seen some pretty loose female parts.

  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Part of it is because of gender - hormones, body composition, etc. Body weight is a huge factor. The heavier a person is, the higher their TDEE is. It's actually not that hard for a big guy to have a 1,500 cal/day deficit. I did it when I was bigger, TDEE was about 2900 and intake was about 1400. Probably not healthy and I would definitely not recommend it, but weight (fat and some muscle) burned of fast. I had an average loss of 3 pounds / week for months, no way that was water weight.

    However, the closer you are to your goal weight, the more likely that drastic calorie-reduction can lead to burning muscle. That is why you must actually increase your calories slightly and increase exercise output a lot as you get closer to your goal weight. Otherwise, you risk cutting your LBM and setting yourself up for a regain. Slow and steady not only wins the race, it keeps the lean. :wink:
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    My husband and i weighed on Monday then again today he lost 3 lbs I gained 2 I have stayed under my calorie count every day and was projected to loose 15 lbs in 5 weeks according too it so much for that. He doesn't count calories and ate 1/2 bag of Cheetos and 2 swiss rolls last night. We have both started walking and I think it is helping him getting a work out and being more active. However why is it not working for me?

    #1 - Sounds like he has more lean mass (i.e. metabolism)
    #2 - Sounds like you are not recording accurately
    #3 - He is moving more weight than you on walks and likely burning more calories
    #4 - Maybe he is more active than you naturally during the day.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    It's the culture we live in. Guys are praised for being loose, while girls are considered immoral or promiscuous for being loose.

  • PottsvilleCurse1925
    PottsvilleCurse1925 Posts: 354 Member
    I don't know, I've seen some pretty loose female parts.


    NC17 group.
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    It's the culture we live in. Guys are praised for being loose, while girls are considered immoral or promiscuous for being loose.


    Stupid double standards!
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    The answer is testosterone. You can get some if you want, but it comes with facial hair and a deepening voice, OH, and the potential to get bulky. So..............

    ^True story!
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    It's the culture we live in. Guys are praised for being loose, while girls are considered immoral or promiscuous for being loose.


    Stupid double standards!

    No--just made sense in the days before DNA testing to assure paternity. :laugh:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Ummmm? Am I missing something? Wasn't there some kind of biology or lamaze class I snoozed through that said something about women needing more fat during baby making years and stuff. Or men being like muscular for hunter/gatherer activities? Anyone currently smart out there wanna elaborate on these fuzzy notions from my educated youth?
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    The answer is testosterone. You can get some if you want, but it comes with facial hair and a deepening voice, OH, and the potential to get bulky. So..............

    ^True story!

    Indeed, I don't know about y'all but having a body like a guy and having to shave every day is not particularly appealing to most women (and especially their men). :wink:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I don't know, I've seen some pretty loose female parts.


    NC17 group.
    Hahahahaha! I'm SURE he was referring to saggy under upper arm areas.
  • freya1331
    freya1331 Posts: 9 Member
    Well It changes from day to day but I am allowed 2100 without workout and 2400 when i add in my walking most das I have over 600 calories left over so when i enter the results is says you should be down to what ever in 5 weeks I was at 310 yesterday and it was saying down to 297 in 5 weeks.....kind of scary to open my diary what if people I don't know judge me
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,275 Member
    like cut loose, foot loose, kick off your sunday shoes? I thought the women were just as good at it too \m/
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Well It changes from day to day but I am allowed 2100 without workout and 2400 when i add in my walking most das I have over 600 calories left over so when i enter the results is says you should be down to what ever in 5 weeks I was at 310 yesterday and it was saying down to 297 in 5 weeks.....kind of scary to open my diary what if people I don't know judge me
    Trust me they won't judge you anymore than they already are. :blushing:
  • Please don't compare yourself your hubby....Men have more muscle mass and therefore use more calories. I gained all my weigh by preparing food my hubby liked and then dipping identical plates....

    Compete with yourself and tell him you don't want to see them Cheetos or hear about em..Pretty please...

    You can do it..just plan ahead a little and keep yourself busy.... if you slowly increase your activity, count your calories and stay under 1500 calories daily anyone would eventually loose all the extra weigh and be able to maintain the loss as well..We just want it NOW and frankly that mind set will defeat you.

    I had smoked sausage last nigh for supper....after thinking about it..I don't plan to ever eat that simple is not worth the calories....Change the way you think...change your life..
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    like cut loose, foot loose, kick off your sunday shoes? I thought the women were just as good at it too \m/
    Hahahahaha! Thanks a lot! Now I'm gonna hear that song in my head EVERY time I read that typo. And it's rampant online. Viral even.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Ummmm? Am I missing something? Wasn't there some kind of biology or lamaze class I snoozed through that said something about women needing more fat during baby making years and stuff. Or men being like muscular for hunter/gatherer activities? Anyone currently smart out there wanna elaborate on these fuzzy notions from my educated youth?

    Yes--it is true. Women are just naturally supposed to carry a larger percentage of their weight as fat (and men like the rounded contours that their partners have--few of them like emaciated women). The survival of the species depends on a women having that higher amount of body fat to sustain her pregnancy and lactation of her infant, in periods of relative food scarcity. Women who get their body fat down too low (through the use of hormones or excessive dieting and exercise) risk halting their ability to procreate. The too-thin woman's hormonal apparatus "thinks" that, since she is so thin, "Now is not the right time to get pregnant" and shuts down ovulation and possibly even the monthly cycle.
  • freya1331
    freya1331 Posts: 9 Member
    Ok so I hope I have answers I went from a sedimentary day of sitting around to walking 30 min a day in am and 3 hrs airsoft last weekend. He (hubby) took my measurements when he got home and saw how sad I was lost 5.5 inches of my body so maybe did not loose weight gained some muscle I will take off inches any day :) feeling better