

  • Per the post, my RMR is 1,250 to 1,350 a day. So, if I'm in a coma, I'd be burning 1,250 to 1,350 calories a day. With my regular sedentary job, driving in traffic, typing, going into/out of meetings, etc. I burn another 500 - 750 calories in a 10 hour day. Then, I work out and burn another 400 - 600 calories depending on…
  • I find that whenever I change up my diet and/or exercise, the first week of the new program is usually a good weight loss number (depending on my weight and how strict I am, I can expect to see 4 - 9 pounds lost in the first week). This is normally due to water weight loss combined with some real weight loss. The second…
  • Hey there. I'm a total foodie. A couple of my go-to recipes when I'm being healthy and all are: Mashed Cauliflower: so simple, everyone should do it! Microwave cauliflower with a couple tablespoons of stock/broth/water until tender (for a whole head chopped up, it usually takes 7-10mins). Use a hand blender and blend with…
    in FOODIES Comment by Virgo411 October 2011
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