GIMOM66 Member


  • 110 degrees today. Tried to work out but even with my small a/c and a fan on just couldn't go for longer than 10 min. This weather is hard on me especially with a partially collapsed lung. Pollution from the wild fires in British Columbia is not helping either. Really unusal weather for Oregon.
    in Day 24 Comment by GIMOM66 August 2017
  • Fluctuating weight but clothes are getting looser - slacks especially!
    in Day 22 Comment by GIMOM66 July 2017
  • carolinagirl - you are awesome! Congratulations!! I have to say you young folks keep me inspired. Didn't sleep well last night and just felt lousy today but even though I was going to not exercise I ended up doing a half hour of chair yoga because you all keep me accountable.
    in Day 16 Comment by GIMOM66 July 2017
  • Didn't lose anything last week - think it was due to all the fluid in my leg. Swelling down quite a bit and weight where it was last week so I think this week will show a change on the scale I hope. Found a really good chair xcersize whole body routine that burns 240 calories so need to stick with that till leg gets better.
    in Day 16 Comment by GIMOM66 July 2017
  • Watermelon is one of my favorites also along with frozen grapes. Never tried frozen watermelon - have to give it a try!
    in Day 14 Comment by GIMOM66 July 2017
  • Had a good day - exercised AND stayed within my calorie limit! At 71 it's sometimes hard to exercise because of health issues with my legs after a bad fall 2 yrs. ago but I keep trying. Got to keep up with you young'uns!
    in Day #9 Comment by GIMOM66 July 2017
  • Yesterday,(Sunday) was terrible. Ate everything but the kitchen sink and maybe a piece of that too! Have to get back on track today.
    in Day #9 Comment by GIMOM66 July 2017
  • Had a good week - lost 2 lbs. Today will be tough!
    in Day 8 Comment by GIMOM66 July 2017
  • Had a pretty good week despite not being able to exercise as much because of my leg. Really stuck to my good eating hence, the 2 lb. weight loss.
    in Day 7 Comment by GIMOM66 July 2017
  • Pat on the back for going to the gym everyday! So sorry for your loss. Don't beat yourself up for those days when you eat because of your emotions. As long as you get back on track you're doing great! Grieving takes time and we all handle it differently. Will keep you in my prayers.
    in Day 7 Comment by GIMOM66 July 2017
  • Feel better! Maybe you should have it checked?
    in Day#6 Comment by GIMOM66 July 2017
  • Friday is my weigh-in day and I'm down 2 lbs. even with not being able to w/o as much as I would like because of issues with my leg. Water definitely helps to keep me from snacking because if I drink water when I "think" I want to eat it fills me up.
    in Day#6 Comment by GIMOM66 July 2017
  • Being on here helps me be accountable. I read everyone's posts and think "if they can do it, so can I!"
    in Day 5 Comment by GIMOM66 July 2017
  • Doing a moderate low carb-high fat and really not missing sugar. I allow for the carbs from fruit but no processed sweets. Weight coming off very nicely!
    in Day 4 Comment by GIMOM66 July 2017
  • No exercise today - leg swollen so took doc's advice: ice, elevate, rest. Stayed within calorie limit though and hopefully tomorrow can at least do chair exercises.
    in Day #3 Comment by GIMOM66 July 2017
  • Would love to do this! Just turned 71 & have been on MFP for several years. Surgeries, injuries and family issues means I've been up & down with the weight but have made up my mind THIS IS IT!! See you tomorrow!
  • Happy to be your friend! I think I have finally found the right eating plan for me and have lost 6.2 lbs. eating healthy in 9 days. I too can use all the motivation I can find. It's so easy to fall off the wagon!
    in Motivation Comment by GIMOM66 July 2017
  • My doctor had me add more protein and more calories when I complained about not losing on 1200 & exercising. She said my body was hanging on to the weight because I was "starving it". When I went up to 1400-1500 a day the weight started to come off.
  • Please add me - live in West Linn!
  • This is the best place to be I'm finding out. The support is wonderful - no one berates you for having a bad day or even a few days. Just knowing that all my "friends" are pulling for me makes me want to do good. I've lost 8 lbs. in the 61/2 wks. I've been on here. I deal with medical issues and meds that aggravate my…
  • Count me in. Just came back from walking 2.6 miles in 42 minutes.
  • Hi! Portland, Oregon
  • Love Skinnytaste!
  • Hi! Be happy to friend you I'm new to this site the last few days too and have found everyone to be so supportive and very motivating. Feel free to write me anytime!
  • Everything! In the last few years I don't need an excuse but mostly it's when I'm depressed or when I have food in the house that I shouldn't eat and then I binge till it's gone. Determined to lose this weight and start eating healthy again. I know there will be times when I slip but with the support of the people on this…
  • Thanks for the info! Have you had good luck with Atkins? I still need to eat fruit and veggies just in smaller amounts. I will check out their site tho Thanks ! It's nice to know there are others needing to lose weight at our age. Happy to have you as a friend.
  • Hi! I'm 66 and need to lose weight. Because of a health issue I need to lose but am somewhat restricted because of a health problem. I need all the help & motivation I can get. My docs want me to eat more protein to help with the health issue and I'm told it will also help me lose. Open for any and all advice and support!