

  • I've been living with an underactive thyroid for more than 10 years - it all started with me piling up weight and not being able to shift it. After some fiddling with the dosage, I ended up on 100mg / day. Standard diets (I've seen a bunch of nutritionists for that) did not do anything at all for me, even with a very…
  • I found a few good ideas on http://www.ketogenial.com - they seem to have just launched but I spotted and tried a few very low carb gems in there.
  • I'm 5'6 and currently at 188. My goal is 130, although I'm aware that the final 20lb or so will be quite difficult to lose. I'm mid 30s now but back in my 20s, my weight was about 120 give or take (I was a keen swimmer and dancer back then).