christyleonard10 Member


  • now that's funny...gotta love auto correct...changed waste to waist......hmmmm is that tryn to tell us something??
  • haha yr killing me....okay okay I give will try that ...heck can't let those inged go to waist baaaaauh!
  • You are such a tease posting that chocolatey marshmallow recipe the sad part is I have all those ingredients right now on hand & must resist the temptation....ugh!
  • I to <3 cresent rolls........but looking for healthier alternative recipes on this site but sure does make my mouth water! Now stop it haha!
  • @Jen..thanx so much for commenting on my very first post! Is there a shortcut to get to the most recent threads & what is a bump? So much to read very busy site & very interesting just need the time to sit down & read. Yes I have worked all my life & recently remarried & relocated and now fortunate enough to be able to…
  • First post to this site & not quite sure how to use it but here it goes! <3 th title def for me. Hopefully I will figure out how to get around & find it again. Let me introduce myself...I just turned 51 in December & am CEO of Leonard Family with a lot of time on my hands a little to show for it! I consider myself very…