

  • THANKS YOU- Can't wait to get to the gym tonight now!x:happy:
  • Hey- hehe- (shhhh) yes that's the one!!!!!! It's SO not guaranteed and I feel like I might have jinxed us by telling everyone and their cousin about the possibility hah. But fingers crossed! I will let you all know so you can watch. I'm not tiny. Perhaps that photo is decieving! I'm a size 16, 5"11 and very curvy (I…
  • Hey- thanks for your reply. So should I be doing heavy weight and lift until failure i.e. keep going til I can't do anymore. Or more controlled lighter weights. Sorry, I'm easily confused!! ;-) x
  • WOW- now this has made me very happy. I am a snug size 16 and ideally would like to be a comfortable 12 by the last week in August. So you literally did this by cosuming 1200 cals a day and using MFP and exercise 6-7 times a week? What particular exercises did you do? Any more advice would be brilliant as what you achieced…
  • HAH!!!! I LOVE this advice! Don't you worry- corsets, fat pants, pull-y-in everything!!!!!!!!! I am overweight- 5"11 in height and 13st 11lbs in weight. I need to lose around 2.5/3 stone really. I'm a size 16 and want to be a size 10-12 ultimately!!!! Thanks for the laugh!! H
  • I'm thinking about getting a trainer for the next couple months. But also, I can book in free for a training programme by one of the trainers there so going to do that asap. Maybe if I tell them the situation they can explain to me the best option for weights?!x
  • This is really helpful- funnily enough, my friend sells Aloe Vera detox plans and I'm going to buy one at the end of the month (pay day).... this healthy eating lark is really expensive. I used to eat far less (hence storing all this excess weight) so buying everything fresh is really expensive for me. So the detox will…
  • Thank you- what would you recommend?!?!?! Low weight high rep on all areas?!?! i don't do much muscle work as you can see ;-)
  • Thank you so much for this- really helpful. I tend to stick to classes coz for some reason I lose all motivation when I'm alone in the gym. You familiar with Body Pump?? Do you think that as a class would do the trick? Or do i REALLY have to get on the weights machines and free weights etc??? Shall i still stick to spin…
  • Thank you!!! Me to!!!!!! I will return to this thread and let you all know if it happens!!!!! Sauna suits?!?x
  • Thanks for the advice that's so helpful! xx
  • Thanks you for this- So if a dress size is possible in a month- maybe I could get down to a size 12 in 2 months!!!! That's hopeful!! I think if I just live in the gym for the next couple months I could do it? It's an hour roundtrip but maybe cycle to work 2-3 times a week and the dogs get walked twice a day anyway. I'm…
  • I mean my actual goal is 3 stone overall... but I know that's impossible. Ideally 2 stone would be amazing!!!! Unrealistic?? It's more about body shape though- toned and smaller in inches!
  • Hey... thanks for your suggestion!!! I don't know if VLCD would necessarily be the best thing to do then... I am a teacher and need to be mega alert at all times and don't want to be lacking the amount of energy I need on a day to day basis....!?!?! Hmmm... Thanks for the suggestion though. Am I being naive?? Is this the…
  • Yeah I should walk more- I leave for work at school at 7.30 and get back around 5.30, walk my dogs, go to gym / marking books and then bed!! Not enough hours in the day! I wish I lived closer to work so I could walk... that'd be ideal!
  • Well done baby.... All the hard work is paying off. I love that our fridge is wide open in the back of your weight loss post!!!!!!!! xxx
  • THANK YOU SO MUCH KAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! That really all made sense to me all of a sudden. Thank you. I'll try my hardest to do it right and hopefully I'll start seeing some changes soon! Holly
  • Yeah that'd be a good idea x thank you
  • Thanks for your reply. That's really interesting and will look into it. I don't drink the recommended water a day. I wonder if that would do anything? I do struggle to do it. I'm a teacher and so can't afford to drink too much as can't leave the classroom so go to the toilet... also not able to drink in class (I've got a…
  • Thank you so much. That really did make me feel better and you're right. I guess I want it so badly that I want to see it quicker. I will definitely stick it out because the working really hard at the gym thing far out weighs how awful I feel about my body right now and I need to change that. I can't remember the last time…
  • I did notice the overestimating thing with working out, but I did go from 0 exercise to 5-6 times a week and I'm really going for it like I did when I was really fit a few years ago so I know I'm working hard and would have thought I'd see some change. With food, I'm eating so much salad and veg and chicken breat and fish…
  • Hey I quite often eat less but making an effort now and yesterday i even went over by 34 cals. I know about the measuring thing and I haven't done it.. but I'm going by clothes and they don't feel any different really. As I say I just feel less puffy around my face and tummy because I've cut out bread and pasta and salt…
  • Hey guys I haven't lost a single pound and in week 4. I exercise 5-6 times a week and eating 1300 calories. Disheartening. It's been much easier to loose in the past but not this time? Tips?
  • Thank you. Hope so. Desperate to see a change to get my confidence up and really go for it!
  • I've only just started counting calories to be honest. I'm about 4 days into to calorie counting, but training solidly for 3 weeks. I think as everyone has been saying, it's just because I haven't been watching what I'm eating and so staying exactly the same weight is coz i've been eating the same (or more) calories i'm…
  • Hey.. I've been going to spinning literally every day and then doing resistence stuff. I guess the food I ate at Xmas means I've just been exercising to eat what I want and thus staying the same? H
  • Thank you that's so helpful. 38lbs! Wow. Well done! H
  • That all makes a lot of sense; thank you! I think maybe I have been expecting too much from the gym. There was about a 7 days period when I actually didn't calorie count at all and ate pretty much want I wanted and drank calorific alcohol. Perhaps as I get more into the calorie watching, I will notice more of a difference?…