

  • Forest Gump, too easy. How about this one, "The anger sharks are swimming in my head"
  • I drank 3 to 4 cans a day myself and when I decided to get healthy I quit cold turkey. I had to go cold turkey. I tried weening myself but just a little sip made me want more. The caffeine withdrawls were horrible, but they went away after a few days. Now if I have caffeine it makes me feel horrible. I get jittery and have…
  • I really like the Nabisco 100 Cal Chips Ahoy Thin Crisps. I also really love the Kellogg's Special K 90 Calorie bars, Chocolatey Chip Cookie. They are really good.
  • I had one in my armpits. It went away as soon as I lost 25 pounds. Before that I had read online that you can use the same stuff they use for athletes feet to treat yeast infections of the skin.
  • Hi my name is Deb. I have been on here for over a month and have lost 20 pounds. I am looking for more MFP friends so everyone can add me. So we can keep each other motivated.
  • Don't give up "oregonlady". Weight loss is an up & down battle. This website has been a godsend to me. I have become very aware of all the crap I was eating. And now I eat stuff I like but in moderation. I replaced some of my old addictions to certain bad food items with an addiction to working out. I also vary my workout…
  • Hi fellow Oregonians. Add me as a friend if you need some moral support. I have lost 20 pounds so far and feel awesome.