

  • My suggestion would be MORE calories per day! You're exercising more, your body needs more fuel not less starvation mode will kill your metabolism and cause you to GAIN instead of lose. Check out fat 2 Fit radio, google it. These guys have the most common sense approach to weight loss I have EVER heard. They have a podcast…
  • LOL - thanks!
  • you may not be recording it, but I don't see much water, also, many of the foods you are choosing are rather processed and lacking in real nutritional value and fiber. I don't see many "real meals" more snacking and "empty" calories. I also think you could benefit by eating more food, but it needs to be real food, Fruits,…
  • We both started using this site on January 2, he naturally has lost more than I but we're encouraging each other and choosing to make a lifestyle change rather than to see this as a "diet"
  • Coconut oil has been found to stabilize blood sugar in diabetics. I have heard the recommendation that diabetics should get at least 1 tsp a day. (I'm not diabetic) but have begun to use coconut oil almost exclusively in my cooking. I haven't heard that it's an appetite suppressant but perhaps because of it's ability to…