Does Your Spouse Support your Lifestyle Change into Weight L



  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    my husband is very supportive --- he knows how important this is. I tried back in October and failed, I just gave up because I felt that I was letting everyone down because I would exercise or go the gym and the laundry wouldn't get done or we would run out milk and I felt that Ishould go to the store instead of the gym. Well, my husband made it very clear that that was all in MY head and they wanted me to succeed --- he's helped me plan my workouts and helped me with techniques for running. Before I decided to try again, Christmas gifts were ALL work out related, that was the push I needed ---- I mean, you HAVE to use the gifts right? it worked perfectly :)
  • jsmjboertlein
    He doesn't NOT support me, but he complains about it a lot because he likes me with some junk in my trunk. I don't mind the trunk junk it's the muffin top that I don't like, but unfortunately I can't seem to lose one without the other.
  • klaudiak
    We both started using this site on January 2, he naturally has lost more than I but we're encouraging each other and choosing to make a lifestyle change rather than to see this as a "diet"