Friday-curves workout ( 1 point) plus yard work (1 point). Today i did my Zumba/ curves workout, followed by my regular Curves workout ( 2 points). I know i didn't win but that wasn't the idea anyway.
My week thus far- 1 point on sunday for a 45 minute walk around Wascana creek, 1 point on Monday for another 30 minute walk, 1 point for my curves workout on Tuesday, 1 point for Curves workout and 1 point for yard work( raking, bending, lifting) on Wednesday. Today I went for a 20 minute walk in the nasty cold wind-1 point
Friday and Saturday I went for long walks around Manitou Beach, up and down some pretty steep hills. Good cardio. 1 point for each day.
On monday I did my regular Curves workout for 35 minutes,Also did yard work ( bending and raking) for 1 hour. On Tuesday I went for a 30 minute walk. Wednesday I did my curves workout, today I did Curves again as well as wash windows and more raking in the afternoon.
On Wednesday I did my regular curves workout, also regular Curves workout on Thursday. Today I did my Zumba/ Curves followed by my regular Curves routine. Later in the day I did some yardwork( raking and hauling leaves) for 60 minutes.
On Monday I did 3 hours of yard work ( raking and hauling leaves ), yesterday my regular Curves workout ( 550 calories ). Today is weigh in day.
Here is my workout routine for the week of April 17 to 23 - Outside activity with Zaza for 60 + minutes (1 point), this was on the 17th. On the 18th my regular Curves routine, + outside activity for 30 minutes ( 2 points ). My weigh in day @ curves ( first time I have been below 160 pounds for 30 years), did my regular…
Didn't get as much exercise in this week because I was struggling with a cold and didn't feel like doing much. I only was able to get to Curves on Wednesday for my weigh in and workout, and today for a curves workout followed by Zumba/ Curves workout. Hope to pick up the pace next week.
Thursday I did my regular Curves routine, Today ( Saturday) I did a 30 minute Zumba/Curves routine, plus a 25 minute slow paced walk.
Curves routine Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday I spent climbing up snow banks, working up a real sweat. Good cardio workout I'd say. Tomorrow is weigh-in day as well as my regular Curves routine.
Am I the only one who uses the message board? I'd like to see more comments on here. There was to have been a challenge about favorite recipes if I remember correctly. maybe we should all send our favorite/new recipes.
Wednesday morning I spent 60 minutes playing in the snow, climbing up and sliding down snow banks with Zaza. In the afternoon another 60 minutes outside building a snowman. Thursday my Curves routine, On Friday I was playing in the slush with Zaza for another 60 minutes. Today I did my regular Curves routine, as well as…
Yesterday(Tuesday), I did my regular Curves routine in the morning. In the afternoon I was playing in the snow, climbing up and sliding down snowbanks for 60 minutes. Zaza had a blast.
Did my regular Curves workout as well as a 30 minute walk on Wednesday. On Thursday - Curves routine. On Friday I did a Zumba/Curves workout, followed by a curves workout.
Went for a 20 minute walk on Sunday and my regular Curves routine yesterday.
Did 2 Zumba/curves routines yesterday.
Curves circuit again today- burned 570 calories.
On Sunday and Monday i had a 20 minute walk. On Tuesday i did the Curves circuit, today I did the Curves circuit as well as a 30 minute walk.
On Wednesday I did the Curves circuit, Thursday i went for a 30 minute walk, Friday the curves circuit, today I did the curves circuit followed by 30 minutes of Zumba/Curves.
Did the curves circuit yesterday.
I didn't get to Curves yesterday but I did get outside for a 30 minute walk. I did do the curves circuit today. Tomorrow I will be doing back-to-back Zumba/Curves workouts. That should be 4 points.
Another day at Curves yesterday. Hope to get there again today.
Did 30 minutes of Yoga today.
Enjoyed a 30 minute walk outside. Give me 1 more point.
Did 35 minute Curves workout on Thursday, & 2 back- to- back Curves/Zumba workouts today. Guess that's 3 points.
Was able to get in a 45 minute walk on Monday, will get back to Curves tomorrow.
Today I was on the treadmill for 30 minutes.
I don't know if you got my results from Friday and Saturday. I did 2 separate workouts of Yoga and treadmill on both days. So you can mark me down for 2 points both days. Today { Monday} I did 30 minutes on the treadmill and burned 100 calories.
Today I only burned 515 calories with my Curves workout. This is my first full day on Phase III diet and I'm to consume 2000 calories a day. I'm feeling full already.
today I burned 615 calories with my curves workout. At my weigh-in today I lost 1 more pound but gained some body fat. I'm going on the Phase III Curves diet for 2 weeks to jump start my metabolism. I'm also to burn 300 calories a day, some i need to purchase a calorie counter.