

  • Thanks. :smile: Think once I get a real habit of going to the gym and eating right, it'll fall into place, as long as I don't get frustrated, so from the comments so far, it sounds like I'd definitely benefit from a) not weighing myself right now, and b) weighing myself only in the mornings when I do start doing it.
  • A friend of mine swears by Mac. I know nothing about makeup, beyond "it goes on your face", but she seems to. :smile:
  • Thanks guys - much appreciated advice! I may even not burn the scales. Particularly good, seeing as they aren't actually mine!
  • Yeah, you're probably right about staying away from them - until they produce a nice surprise!
  • Hey! I'm definitely on board with no longer making excuses - good luck with your goals, and if you'd like to add me as a friend, I'd be happy to be a Motivation Buddy.
  • Hi I've got a sedentary job too, and the snacks are a killer. Particularly in a big office where it is always somebodys birthday.... But you can do it, and so can I. The worst part is always making yourself go when you're exhausted and its cold....but once you get to the gym, I find I'm OK with staying. I've found that the…