shgreen612 Member


  • That is fantastic - congrats on your accomplishments!!! In terms of what you eat (and what you wear!), don't do anything totally new or out of the ordinary. You want to stick to things that you typically eat before you run (for example, what you eat before your long run on the weekend). The same goes for what you wear -…
  • Yum - just mixed up tuna with avocado yesterday and couldn't believe how delicious it was! Also added a little onion and shredded carrot to the mix. I love avocados!
  • This might not be exactly what you are looking for, but I like this site: Good luck! I make green smoothies several times a week in the morning - love them!
  • I LOVE C25k!!!!! I did it last summer and since then I have done 5ks, 10ks, and a 10 mile run! I am now training for my first half marathon! DON'T OVER DO IT! Take it slowly and build up the distance and number of times you run a week. If not, you are risking an injury! I would follow the plan, but more than anything else,…
  • Date night with the hubby tonight and 6 mile run on Saturday morning! Other than that, hoping for a relaxing weekend! :)