

  • Putting this at the beginning of your message would have saved us all a lot of time. btw, Bill Gates is not giving away $5k to click any link, Walt Disney is not cryogencally frozen, Koch Industries did not pay Trayvon Martin's legal fees, the plastic strip in money does not let the government know how much money you are…
  • Different strokes for different folks. Gotta do what works for you. When I started adjusting my diet 7 months ago, I went from a buttered bagel almost every day of the week to 2-3 egg whites a day during the week and maybe some onion and turkey sausage added on the weekends (usually later breakfast). Early on I continued…
  • This! And to add to that, your evaluation and merit increases should be based, in part, on how well you perform at dieting and exercise. At some point, people have to take responsibility for themselves. Not blame others or walking around asking "who is going to take care of me..."
    in Obesity Poll Comment by hhbsd June 2013
  • Wow, stepped away from my desk for a few minutes and look at all of the great responses, thanks! To those that asked, I was feeling hungry ALL of the time in the beginning, but not as bad now. I have taken to smaller meals with snacks in between (jerky, almonds, carrots, etc) and generally not too bad now. For Emily, I am…
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